When you start your research on Sri Lanka? We had early schools of Buddhism as well! Great article my dear friend! Nice to see you around!@reddust,
When you start your research on Sri Lanka? We had early schools of Buddhism as well! Great article my dear friend! Nice to see you around!@reddust,
I don't know if I will go into specific areas or just council meetings @theguruasia. My husband and I found some interesting stories we are going to work into the narrative in our next paper. We both have different writing styles and have struggled over how our articles we write together will look. My husband is a software engineer and writes documents dealing with technical issues, and our articles show how his mind works. I want more stories about how the Buddhas teachings helped the kings and communities that supported the monasteries. So far my husband has won the power struggle...hahaha
Our next paper will have my favorite story about how virtue strengthens a community, and immoral behavior undermines a strong nation leaving it vulnerable to invasion.