The Sixth Stage
Part 8

Stages of the Mahayana Bodhisattva Path are similar to the Theravada idea of the Noble Eight-fold Path, although not the same in the order of the stages, as well as the aim of the various stages that comprise the total trajectory that the Bodhisattva has to traverse. The idea of the Bodhisattva path is linked to the idea of bodhicitta, the aspiration of becoming enlightened, and this aim is for the benefit of all sentient beings—when compared to the Arahant idea it is distinguished by the fact, that the Bodhisattva holds off on attaining final non-returning Nirvana until all sentient beings are brought along the journey of the Bodhisattva path towards Enlightenment.
Various Mahayana texts discuss the stages of the path in varying detail and order. For this eighth article in the series, I’ve mainly followed the stages of the Path as explained in the Dasa Bhumika Sutra. Dasa bhumika in Sanskrit means ten stages. I’ve also consulted the abhidharmsamuccaya text of Asanga, the prajna-paramita abhi-samaya-lankara, and the Mahavastu, that provide additional information for the stages, as well as the Mahayana-sutralamkara text. The Avatamsaka Sutra (Flower Ornament Scripture) has great details on the 10 stages of the path as well, including the Gandavyuha commentary. For cross-reference purposes I’ve used the yogacarabhumi text, which incorporates the bodhisattva stages into an even greater 17 stages, to verify Sanskrit terminology.

In this article, I’ll cover the sixth stage of the 10 Stages of the Mahayana Bodhisattva Path.
Why is a bodhisattva’s commitment different from a 1. stream-enterer, 2. once-returner, and 3. non-returner?

Stage 6. At the Doorstep of Enlightenment stage (abhimukhi bhumi)
The sixth stage is at the Doorstep of Enlightenment, because the Bodhisattva is so close! The Bodhisattva understands the nature of dependent origination for all ordinary entities and objects (pratitya samutpanna). The Bodhisattva’s mind is now filled with the perfection of wisdom (prajna paramita) in conjunction with the realization of emptiness (sunyata).

In detail
The sixth stage is called abhimukhi, because in this stage the Bodhisattva, by means of the perfection of wisdom (prajna-paramita), is face-to-face with Samsara and Nirvana, without being established in either Samsara or Nirvana [as it is still a duality].

After completing the first five stages, the Bodhisattva continues the fourth type of purification and perfection. In the first stage, determination was purified, in the second stage discipline and moral virtue was purified, in the third stage concentration was purified, and in the fourth to sixth stage onward the purification and perfection of insight is practiced.
Various types / levels of ignorance have been purified in the first four stages, and in each subsequent stage the ignorance that is to be purified is more subtle and difficult to address than in the previous stage.

- In the first stage, the ignorance of clinging to person and things, and the ignorance of the defilement of wrong tendencies and actions have been purified.
- The second stage, the ignorance of minute errors and transgressions, and the ignorance of what various actions lead to have been purified.
- In the third stage, the ignorance of greed, and the ignorance of complete mental control to retain what is learned have been purified.
- In the fourth stage, the Bodhisattva addressed the ignorance of attachment to attainments in concentration, and the ignorance of attachment to religion.
- In the fifth stage, the Bodhisattva addressed the ignorance of one-sided thought rejecting life and death, and the ignorance of one-sided thought heading for nirvana.
- In the sixth stage, the Bodhisattva addresses the ignorance of observing the flux of events at the moment, and the ignorance of elaborate active mental patterns.

A Bodhisattva on the completion of the fifth stage, goes on to the sixth stage and has to understand and realize the ten kinds of sameness when it comes to dharmas being:

Practitioners enter the sixth stage by observing phenomena in terms of their sameness in having no ‘ultimate definition’, in having no discoverable fixed origin, in being apart from any concept or notion of things, in being primordially pure, in neither coming nor going, in being existent in some sense and non-existent in another, and in being like dreams or reflected images. They observe the formation and disintegration of worlds, they realize that the origins of worldly ways are all rooted in attachment to self. This leads them to a thorough examination of the process of conditioning, followed by liberating absorption in emptiness, signless-ness, and wishless-ness. Furthermore, the Bodhisattva develops unbeatable resolute intention and becomes immune to delusive influences.

Furthermore, in the sixth stage, the Bodhisattva should avoid six dharmas and fulfill the six perfections.
In the next article, I’ll be discussing The Seventh Stage of the Mahayana Bodhisattva Path in full detail.

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Very good work! Spirituality plays a big role in our life, even if the most people dont follow that path. It helps us understand life and our life's purpose. Reach a higher level of consciousness and understand the law of karma.
Have a nice weekend!
On the relative level, I found working a spiritual program has helped me develop wisdom, the wisdom I am speaking of is the knoweldge and experience seeing that all compounded things, including this body are not me, this frees me to step back and see the picture of myself that I have built through conditioning. This also helps me deal with my changing body as I grow old. Stepping back and watching the change I can see clearly what I need to do to help myself and others instead of clinging to what is me and mine.
I really liked when you said "confidence is the antidote to doubt". Maybe this is what my teacher meant when he told me to learn how to navigate the seas of uncertainty.
@marcusantoniu26, I need to use that antidote all the time. The only way to really get rid of doubt is to practice and integrate meditation insights into daily life. Experience is the key!
The seas of uncertainty are related to the sea of body sensations. All the data our eyes, ear, nose, taste, feel take in and then how we react to these sensations is filtered through our conditioning, our knee jerk reactions to our body's sensations. The teachings are like a boat that we can build and use to make our way across the sea of sensations to the other shore...hehehe (this is my opinion)
Your opinion is totally in agreement with my experience. The data you refer as input is in my case laboratory results, signs and symptoms of disease. The answers can be multiple, but the decision is only one.
It is a pleasure to exchange ideas with you.
Excellent friend, The principle of the Bodhisattva ideal is one of the most important principles of Buddhism, according to Sangharakshita. People should read about Buddhism, many do not do it out of ignorance. You should do a post about phrases reborn in Buddhism.
Practice meditation. It is fundamental. Once it is enjoyed, it can no longer be abandoned, and the benefits are immediate.
@moniristi I won't post all the Sanskrit words because they would confuse the reader...people who practice meditation should study what meditation is for, it is not to be calm and happy, both calmness and happiness on the realitive level are tranistory in their nature. The text I used can't be linked too online or I would link the the documents. I've been using Conze and Dutt's books, Conze is a better translator or his editors are. Thank you for your excellent comment!
Yes, now this stage is really important because all five stages are really difficult stages and people who reached here they lack the interest towards the materialistic stuff, they have strong concentration and meditation mind, people should understand one thing that enlightenment is hiding in small things and thoughts of emptiness, this means, people who don't overthink and they keep stable mindset and thoughts. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
This is one of my favorite stages @chireerocks, I would like to walk through this world and look just like anyone else but in my heart/mind I am not clinging or running away from anything that passes through my mind.
I hope and wish that, you will soon experience the enlightenment. Stay blessed. 🙂
And our inner self is the real witness for this stage means, whenever we showcase love and kindness and try to help others, or giving something to people who lack resources, without any greed then an great delight and an peaceful effect born in and that silently inform us that you have done an right thing that's why you delighted. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
This stage mentions when we are kind and give to others we must hold no expectations. All our actions are without craving or grasping. I find this impossible to do, I've seen how fast my conditioning kicks in no matter how mindful I am during meditation retreats. The best I can do is keep my mouth shut to be kind and give help that is truly helpful rather than just perpetuating the situation.
This is the first time i came about your post..
The post is very versatile about life .
Implementing those in life can put your life on the good side..
I myself am from India where Sanskrit is a major spoken language and the awkward words are form other languages also like HINDI
I've learned a few words in Sanskrit and their meaning in relation to other sanskrit words, however I cannot read the text easily. I thought Sanskrit had died out as a spoken language and has become much like Latin, only used in relation to spiritual text. I've learned somethng new, thank you @junaidiqbal
is Mahayana Bodhisattva real i think no, I'm sure not just thinking there is much things can't Mahayana Bodhisattva explain it in this world but the only God can explain it.
by the way thank you for your efforts and for sharing this research
Mahayana Buddhist started out of protest regarding the elite status that the arhats had developed. Arhats, the monks had stopped engaging the public who took care of them, providing them with food and monastaries. In the beginning the people who became enlightened hearing Buddha's words helped other people become enlightened and engage the public, teaching them how to let go of their negative conditioning. When Buddhism became an institution the monks starting isolating themselves and lost favor with those who supported them.
The Bodhisattva ideal was developed to combate this problem...
In six part to avoid in your writing. The most hard to applying in my live is to disappear worry and doubt but l will try to handle it slowly.
@mey, I like the last antidotes the best..
Avoid worrying and having doubt, because it is not and aid to the Bodhisattva Mahayana path [to enlightenment]. Confidence is the antidote to doubt.
Avoid thoughts of annoyance when he sees those in need who beg about it. Patience is the antidote to annoyance.
Avoid becoming sad about renouncing all one’s possessions. Giving is the antidote to attachment to material things.
Avoid distractions from those you help. Concentration is the antidote to distractions.
This concept actually inherently has a loyalty to the "Buddha". The concept of complete, complete illumination expresses the meaning of this word. Every step that starts with this concept forms the essence of Buddhism. Thank you for sharing @reddust
This is one of my favorite articles because the steps address common every day issues I face. Even if I haven't reached the first Bhumi I can use this information to improve my life, when I improve my life I help everyone around me because I am easier to get along with...
It's hard getting old and I find myself getting grumpy and tired. Using the practice has helped me not share my tiredness and grumpy feelings with others ;-)
I missed some couple posts of yours due to time difference but never to worry , it’s on blockchain so I can access it .
Thanks for this edification again my friend. Some deep knowledge everyday for free.
By the way did you get to see the song you asked me to attach to a comment sometimes during the week . Preaching love, talking about love . I just wanted to know if you saw it
@olumideolowoyeye, I did try and access your song but my iPad wouldn't load the music. I will try to listen to your song today after I finish my work here on steemit and take a break. I posting these articles so they will stay on the blockchain forever...Buddhist teachings aren't trendy but they may help someone someday, like they helped me let go of my PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Okay my friend, don’t work too hard. Thanks for the teachings
in the Sufi practice to avoid from the stain (sin) also through the stages, because the source of the stain is located on the seven limbs: the hands, the feet, the eyes, the ears, the tongue, the stomach, and the genitals, to nourish each member in general with uzlah (alienation with meditation).
In Buddhism the stain is from mental conditioning of the mind and the body is just a vehicle, like a car. If the car's driver is neglectful and gets in an accident, we don't blame the car...just like our mind is the driver and the body is our car...
So the practices here are to remove negative conditioning which is causing blind reactions to things we crave or have an aversion for....We can't avoid birth, illness, and death, this is suffering that we all must go through, however our blind reaction to these states is what causes immense suffering and this is what Buddha addresses in all of his teachings.
can it be said that when a person's mental state has become clean from evil and anger then his death becomes peaceful? if true like that I can already understand a little budha teachings, thank you, I increasingly like to study it
I think having a pure mind and heart will help you hear and see your God easily, especially at the time of death, there will be no fear to blind you ❤️
hopefully we get that purity my best friend ,, :))
I think I'm a slow learner, or the journal is somehow hard to meditate or understand. Hahaha !!
Thanks to your stranslation, the way you explain it make it more easier to read. But I have resteem some of the post so I can read it anytime I feel like.
I have read the third stage where the ignorance of greed and mental control was purified.
Thanks for sharing @reddust
@ohakfarm for me the 6th stage has been the easiest to understand, it's full of things I struggle with in my daily life, an example:
Clinging means to hold onto something, a person, your body, money, possessions as something that we own that is tied to our identity. This clinging ties us up so we can't take correct action.
We all have conditioned behavior, blind reaction to sense data through our conditioning inhibits us from seeing what is really happening so we can react and behave correctly to help ourselves and others.
You break it down to my understanding. Just got the message now, thanks
We reach the next level, which is difficult, but a laudable goal cannot be easy.
For me, to reach this new level means to be the reflection, the reflection of that positive light that is found in hidden places, never dreamed of: the subtle reflection on the petals of a rose, the rainbow when passing through a drop of water?
It is that soft white aura that envelops us when we are at peace with ourselves.
Translated with
The practices are easy if we don't think about becoming a Buddha or a Bodhisattva. Since I started my practice over 20 years ago I look for lessons that I can use in my every day life and I try and stay aware of my reactions all day and use these lessons to address reactions to life that have caused me or others around me pain.
fasting in the practice of the Sufis one way to clean the stain (sin), although the fasting is generally applied by a Muslim much different from their fasting Sufi class,
they avoid (fasting) food and talk, talk only when it is very important, even when it concerns the issue of belief (religion). the purpose of fasting food to control the lust and sex, the purpose of the fasting talk to keep from hurting others, because the tongue is the source disaster.
it appears here there are similarities of buddhas in avoiding stains.
Buddha taught that what you eat and how you speak can impact our health, however it cannot remove old conditioning. In Buddha's time there were yogi's that starved themselves because they thought that the body was holding them back from attaining union with God and heaven.
Buddha tried this method and found it wasn't the body that held him back, it was his mental conditioning, his blind beliefs. His teachings are related with purifying the mind and letting go of old conditioning.
The only way to control lust is to remove the cause of lust and greed. The cause of lust and greed is our old conditioning of clinging to things as me and mine. The meditation techniques are used to purify the mind...the mind is what drives the body.
means there are differences in addition there are similarities with Sufi teachings, but the goal remains the same that purify the soul, thanks for your explanation my best friend
Your welcome my dear friend ❤️
The flowers are very beautiful, and also have many benefits for us. Flowers are a very beautiful creation of god, behind the beauty, also has many benefits. The flower is like a woman, if she is well cared for, then she will grow well, and will also be beautiful. Thanks for sharing @reddust
The flowers represent the imperancence of existence on a relative level.
Hi @reddust.I am very happy to see a very good post from you in this holiday. my heart becomes happy and calm when reading post from you my friend. success always for you.
Why is your heart happy @shishiristi?
and that is my goal to keep myself healthy
How will this practice keep you healthy @mokles?
This isn’t the best you can do
Interesting post
Why is this post interesting to you @kingvko?
Hehehe @reddust a question very difficult to answer for a person of "short words" jaja. Regards
course it readable and i find such post interesting........Am a newbie can you please teach me on how to become a whale
@kingvko, I am not a whale, you can invest a large amount of fiat currency and become a whale, that's how whales are made on Steemit. I am a little dolphin and I earned my reputation from commenting on the content of someone's post, not asking for help on someone's articles, posting quality articles and interacting/rewarding the people who engage me in relation to the topic of my article. I will flag people at 1% for making comments that have nothing to do with my article, leave comments that only have pictures or just a few words. You must work for you reputation score and comment rewards on my blog.
@dim753, hahaha thanks little brother <3
Thank you very much for sharing these tips.
I wish you a great dayHow many reasons do you have in this post dear friend @hilarski, I totally share your words, many arrive thinking only about the money that can be earned, without thinking about the sacrifice and commitment that is being here.
I Always enjoy your writing reading ,
I've been following the series and it make me feel refreshed😊.
Thank you for taking your time to write all this and post it for us.
@anouar8, what exactly in this post makes you feel refreshed?
in the enlightenment of life either human or plant it is necessary in balance also friend.
This post has received a 15.65 % upvote from @boomerang.
buddhists beliefs are great
Whenever I read your post I am impressed with all your knowledge. You are really good at this. I hope you have a wonderful day... Blessings friend🙏💕
What impressed you the most regarding this article @denissemata?
Wow .... Honest ... My amazing post is very fond of her.@reddust
informative post
What kind of knowledge have you gained @hafez?