Mindfulness Is a Must Emotional Intelligence Matters

in #mindfulness8 years ago

Be Present To Get The Prize
Mindfulness is a must. So what exactly is mindfulness? I think it’s like it sounds mind-full of something. Literal and symbolic meaning is almost the same. Your mind is full. In this case full with experiencing your environment. See, your mind maybe full with wary, anxiety or what is going to happen a hundred years from now. Mindfulness allows you to experience the things now. It’s so interesting it happens to me every time.
Everything Runs In Slow Motion

When I get into this state of mind I always find something new even in my house. Se my wife changes things around pretty often. Normally I would not know if a mirror or another object arrives in my house. But when in state of mindfulness things become clear and un-cluttered. The only thing I can compare it to is everything runs in slow motion. Things you missed before are now right in your view. It’s like you are in a movie directed by the universe AKA GOD. You are in the set, but in a invisible kind of state. So what is the point of mindfulness awareness and all other nesses?

Changing Your Physical And Emotional State Is Critical Skill
The point is changing your physical and emotional state. You know all your life throughout school and collage you are trained to use your mind to solve quizzes and math problems. However this kind of solutions are rarely needed in real life. The physical education you do in the gym is sometimes a lot more useful than the next environmental class quiz. So what we are talking here now is emotional intelligence. Yes it’s kind of hard to assign points to it and measure in grades.

Emotional Intelligence Equals Dough
Well guess what the previous is responsible for most of the wealth amounted by people of not so big IQ. Don’t misunderstand me I am not propagating luck of education I am advocating for a different kind of intelligence. Intelligence to know what to do and act adequately in all situations. That’s where slowing down the dynamic of life by mindfulness or awareness comes in. I know it doesn’t seam important until it is. In reality

You Will Be Happier Person
I see with myself increase in happiness when in this state. Feeling of fullness and joy. Feeling of belonging. I think you should really give it a try and become absorbed in your environment even if is just for 5 minutes. And don’t forget just because your mind is full it’s not mindfulness and just because you are a-ware do not make you an appliance.

It’s focusing on the essence what is important and will eventually change who you are. You can continue brawling through life missing half of your experiences and then trying to catch up by increasing speed and tons of naive mistakes. You can go through and harvest all you can and still not miss a bit, be happier have a clear vision and purpose.


Love it !!!!

Keep up the great work !!!