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RE: Is being a Perfectionist a Good Trait?

in #mindfullife4 years ago

This is the serentiy prayer.
" God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"

We examining our behaviors it important to get to the exact nature " our truth". Why do things need to be perfect. Does it give the illusion of control in a world where we control little? Do we get praise and validation for a job done well and we crave validation? Are we so critical of ourselves that things are never good enough, hence we are not good enough? Are we critical or non tolerent of imperfection? ( these were all my stories my subconcious wispered in my ear)
No I dont think Perfectionism is healthy. I think Doing our best is healthy even if what we are doing results in imperfection. Acceptance is key...In nature some of the most wonderous and beautiful things to behold are imperfections. We can always strive to do better and accept that what we have done up to this point is perfect just the way it is.


Btw.. The way your family see you is the truth for them... A good exercise I like to do is to assume that the way others see me is factual. I can then deep dive into that and explore 1.) Why do they see that
2.) Is it something I was unaware of and want to change
3.) Is it something I was unaware of and dont want to change

Some very valuable tips. Thank you once again for sharing, really appreciate

Thank you for the beautiful prayer.
I believe it is more about self validation and praise that one seeks then the outside one.
But you are so right, that doing our best is the most healthy thing. We need to accept somethings the way it is, every time being perfect may not help but I still believe that at times it is. If we can maintain the balance that's the best result we can achieve.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and valuable knowledge.