They have done more studies that DO find people with serious illness are more likely to recover through a meditation practice. Of COURSE it is a combination of factors but im convinced it helps.
I agree, but I'm a born cynic. It's not negative thinking, it's just a healthy drive to find the answers... that work. I spent 2 years doing yoga 5 mornings/week while experimenting with every exclusion diet you could imagine and none of that helped heal my illness. This is why I say what I say in this blog post.
Regardless of all that I'll never give up... and what you said
he swore that meditation and Yogic breathing helped him through both psychologically and physically. It also enabled him to come to terms with his illness and not resist it so much.
is absolutely true in my experience. Not resisting is a big part of giving yourself a chance to heal. I am very aware that part of what exacerbates my SIBO is the stress of trying to figure out the next healing plan/protocol, not to mention having to battle tooth and nail with doctors over treatment.
Meditation allows me to let go of all that background tension... and that has to be a good thing :)
They had a wimhoff workshop near me last month. Sadly i missed it but it kinda freaks me out.
ha ha, it is freaky. Even after only doing it for four days I was able to hold my breath for 3 minutes after the breathing exercises, and stand under the cold shower for about 5 mins where before I'd last 30 seconds. It is crazy stuff, but with my love of diving it really appeals to me for the idea of one day being able to freedive for ages, and to be healthy again as well ;-)
Thanks for checking out my post riverflows :)