Is being a Perfectionist a Good Trait?

in #mindfullife4 years ago

What do you think about being a Perfectionist?
Is it good or is it a mental disorder?

Well I believe that there is a very thin line from being a Perfectionist to getting on to OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). I do not find any problem in being a perfectionist. When one crosses this line and becomes obsessive with the behavior then it may cause problems with other people around, also one may get involved with unnecessary things which may really not be much relevant resulting into spending time not very wisely.

Well, I thought of writing on this topic as my family always keeps telling me that I try to be too perfect in everything and that sometimes they find it irritating.
Well I do agree that there are advantages and disadvantages of every thing and similarly this may also have some.

But on the advantage side I see that a person who is a Perfectionist have ideals of the highest order. They strive to make the world a utopia; to make everyone's life around them better. To an extent being a perfectionist also tells one level of discipline in their life. They are organized, their efficiency level is high and moreover their dependability is high. One can rely on them for best results output.

Being a perfectionist means a detailed eye for everything and that only results into best outcomes. No rework needed, they may take time to complete but it will be the best output with no rework and that will rather result into saving time.


So why does one see being a Perfectionist as a problem in any way, rather I would say it is more advantageous.

Well but each coin has 2 sides so does this one.
Yes I do accept that there are some disadvantages also and the first one when I relate to my own-self it one becomes highly critical and also self-critical.
Normally these type of people every time they find themselves at the center of
attention, they manage to find something in their performance to be entirely
inadequate or embarrassing. These type of people sometimes establish an impossible standard of perfection as the only measure of their actions which may lead to them becoming very serious about everything in life. The critical faculty within them takes the control and this prevents them from doing what they can truly enjoy in life by just being light hearted.

So what do you think, is being a Perfectionist good or is it disadvantageous.
Well I always believe that extreme of anything is not good and a balance is the best way to manage.

Though my family says I am a perfectionist but I know that I do maintain a balance. They feel it that way because they are extra this is another problem when you have to deal with people who are extra careless, a lit bit of your discipline will become burdensome for them and that is what my family is all about. But I still love it, because I enjoy dealing with them in this fashion.

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extreme of anything is not good and a balance is the best way to manage

Not easy for a perfectionist though 😀

Yes, it is kind of a self pressure for one

@nainaztengra I believe being a perfectionist is quite disturbing to people because a perfectionist will never give room for any mistake no matter how little and people see this as a disorder because no matter how good human beings are, there is always one or 2 ways we are lacking. A man or woman cannot just be perfect always, there should be room for little mistake and sometimes such mistakes might be minute and can be overlooked.

If a man is a perfectionist, it might be very difficult for a woman to cope with her because he would definitely want everything in his house to be perfectly placed. And he would not be happy if a glass of cup is not properly placed in the kitchen. There are somethings that a man will see in a house and will overlook but a perfectionist will make sure it's placed the way he wants it.

That's very true, being perfect is good but one needs to maintain that sanity and give some slippages if requires else it becomes too cumbersome for the other people around them.

I am a perfectionist but I know that I do maintain a balance.

Being a perfectionist may give birth to create worthy things. Yet, If you cannot maintain the balance, you start blaming, forcing, mistreating to yourself. Everything is about the balance imo.

Btw, I liked your post. Thanks for your efforts.

You are absolutely right, Balance is the key, if that cannot be maintain then it's a big problem.
Thank you

Well, as much as perfectionist always aim for the best, they try to put their best in everything they do, life itself is imperfect and unkind most times. We are all perfectionist one way or another.

I have an uncle that doesn't feel contended no matter how you wash his car. He will still see it as dirty. He will wash it all over himself.

I can relate to that, a lot of people are obsessed with their vehicles and I know of them. A little bit here and there and they get paranoid. It's difficult to manage

Yea that's true. It's quite difficult to manage such people.

This is the serentiy prayer.
" God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"

We examining our behaviors it important to get to the exact nature " our truth". Why do things need to be perfect. Does it give the illusion of control in a world where we control little? Do we get praise and validation for a job done well and we crave validation? Are we so critical of ourselves that things are never good enough, hence we are not good enough? Are we critical or non tolerent of imperfection? ( these were all my stories my subconcious wispered in my ear)
No I dont think Perfectionism is healthy. I think Doing our best is healthy even if what we are doing results in imperfection. Acceptance is key...In nature some of the most wonderous and beautiful things to behold are imperfections. We can always strive to do better and accept that what we have done up to this point is perfect just the way it is.

Btw.. The way your family see you is the truth for them... A good exercise I like to do is to assume that the way others see me is factual. I can then deep dive into that and explore 1.) Why do they see that
2.) Is it something I was unaware of and want to change
3.) Is it something I was unaware of and dont want to change

Some very valuable tips. Thank you once again for sharing, really appreciate

Thank you for the beautiful prayer.
I believe it is more about self validation and praise that one seeks then the outside one.
But you are so right, that doing our best is the most healthy thing. We need to accept somethings the way it is, every time being perfect may not help but I still believe that at times it is. If we can maintain the balance that's the best result we can achieve.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and valuable knowledge.