The Universe is full of abundance. If your desire is to become happier, successful, rich, or whatever it might be, you can achieve it. Everyone has the ability to create their own reality by using their mind power.
Our mind is a powerful tool. It can help us create our dream life or worse nightmare. Most people go through life not knowing how much power is at their finger tip by just using their mind more effectively.
The reality that we see is a reflection of what your mind can perceive. If you are close minded then your closing doors to new realities. When you are open minded, the possibility are endless, making it easier to achieving your dreams.
Great sages have always pointed us to the conclusion that everything happens in the mind. Buddha said "the mind is everything; what you think you become". Lao Tzu said "If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place".
And now everyday modern science is coming to the same conclusion. That the human mind is fundamentally important and extremely powerful.
After reading countless books and doing research on the internet, its no doubt that the human mind is they next frontier that we need to explore. In today's world if you are looking to be successful, I highly recommend that you do some research into MIND POWER. It will change your life. You can do it by googling it, or through youtube.
It's been extremely beneficial to my life. I am now more smarter and can see life through a clearer lens. Things make more sense to me and I understand life much better.
I don't think the establishment has any interest in that happening. There's already huge scientific knowledge on what the mind can do yet this knowledge is not properly used. I believe it's now up to the people to do it themselves.
I've written an article some time ago on the power of the mind and how it can be programmed to expand our abilities as well as how to prevent possible self-limitations through our thoughts and acts:
You may find it interesting.
I like your nickname btw.
Your right, the stuff they want us to believe is true don't even make sense most of the time. Thanks - will checkout your article.