The information we consume is who we are

in #mind9 months ago

What really makes us who we are? Are we designed to be what we are or we are the result of the information and things we consume? Well, I think it's combination of both, that is, the design part and things we consumed with our eyes, ears, mouths, skins, noses etc, are who we are. We are individually designed to serve certain roles in life and "preprogrammed" with set of basic information on how to function, behave and interact with our environment without learning the information ourselves. The program functions abit like smartphone program in this way: "do this, if this happens" or "respond in this manner if you receive this information". The phone responds to what it "sees", to what it feels, to touch etc in that particular manner.

Here is how people become the information they consume. Humans are like Artificial intelligence which mimics or learns the information they consume. In addition to our pre-programmed information, we learn by responding to the information we receive, liking or disliking it, and if we are exposed long enough to the information it becomes cemented or hardcoded in our mind which makes us behave in certain ways whenever it's triggered, repeated or remembered. So, if you have different information cemented in the mind of someone that makes him respond in certain way when they are individually triggered you could use that to design a program that makes the person behave in a complex manner when the different information are triggered together. Here is an example, if you hardcode a mind to see a "smiley face" as "smile", "pointing finger" as "to", and "image of group of people" to mean "others", and one day you display the symbols in that combination to the person, he could be triggered to start smiling to people around him. The information has become part of the person and controls him. Whatever things we consume repeatedly become cemented in our mind & become part of what controls us and who we are. You may be able to suppress, cancel or "delete" the information by repeating contrary information.
This idea is used for good or evil especially by those who control or design the program/information we consume. And good or bad information repeated can make us good or bad people. So we need to be careful with what we consume.