The Future is Bright

in #millennials8 years ago (edited)

Image of ZachRubin

I’m a 32-year-old member of the millennial generation, and unlike many, I am very optimistic for the future.

By in large my generation is politically asleep. Like a lot of our parents, we don't follow it closely enough nor thoughtfully enough to understand the issues or what is at stake. Furthermore, as a society, we have abandoned the principles and ideas that made America what it is. Most millennials have a cursory understanding of politics, American history, and most significantly economics. But, thankfully, I don't think this will matter.
Politics is not the solution, not only because it never was, but because my generation in particular is not interested, nor trusting of the system at large. And the truth is, politics, is and always has been a step behind culture.

To us, the World looks very different. We see the world through memes, blogs, and youtube videos. And although a lot of it is distracting we also see a world that is ripe with opportunity. In some cases, it’s a simple matter of youthful optimism. But for me and those Millennials approaching their mid 30's, we have the benefit of being the leading edge of the new world… and we have already made significant progress.

We come with an attitude that "It doesn't matter who is elected. I'm going to make it no matter what because I’m a winner, and winners always win.” It is a simple factor of self-confidence and a can-do-attitude meeting the Internet's ability to empower the individual and circumvent the structures of the past. From our perspective, we don't need to wait for someone to fix the World or to give us permission to become something. We are in the process of fixing it as we become whatever we want.

Frankly, we are leaving your world behind, and creating the 3.0 World for ourselves. It's a place where you can be and do whatever you want. We have limitless resources to create content, crowd fund, build communities, share perspectives, and be ourselves. And truth be told, we can earn a living doing it, so why choose the 9-5 cubicle cell. Millennials are abandoning the old World by droves; leaving their jobs, selling their homes, and making new roads to success. Everyday, a new blog, Internet startup, and YouTube channel is created. We live in a time when nearly everything is ‘brand new.’ From the latest app, to the next cool product; literally the world is being made over again by the day.

Our role models aren't Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump... We see people our own age, in our own generation. We see Internet entrepreneurs, content creators, young product developers and brand leaders; we see YouTube stars, and professional bloggers. These are regular people like us, with an Internet connection, and boundless creativity. Who needs school or certifications when you can discover an online teacher or entrepreneur coach who condenses what you need to know in a few YouTube segments? Why wait for a “leader” to fix the economy when we can create brand new economies with a few clicks and a great idea.

We are not only the millennial generation, we are the "I" generation, as in 'I' can do it my self, or 'I' can build that better, and 'I' will succeed no matter what. We are the generation of lifestyle jobs, and living for a living. I myself recently sold my house, all of my stuff, and bought an RV that my wife and I live and work in while enjoying all this great country has to offer as we build our online presence and brands -

Our priorities are very different, and therefore the World we live in is changing. To Millennials, It's not about building wealth or fame, or power... its about sharing our world, making connections, and experiencing as much as we can. Winning has nothing to do with who rules the day, but rather that you rule your self… that you know who you are with defiant fervor, and you become the change that you wish to see in the World. Each of us has a destiny to fulfill, and we'll be damned if we allow someone else to determine it for us.

So I ask all of you to join us in this optimism. Let go of the old way, be the few who are NOT trying to hold on to it all. Be willing to change, trail blaze and defy the expectations of your peers, even when the onslaught may seem unbearable. This is the moment you choose to join in the online revolution, or be left behind. Have faith and trust in yourself, and remember that there is no going back... only going forward; and the future is bright and brand new. ​

Zach Lee Rubin
-Full Time Traveler, Blogger, Podcaster and Entrepreneur

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