
Posts like this never go anywhere on Steemit, though.

Human nature. We are subject to the "ostrich effect", and dealing with the nature of posts like this is uncomfortable. We don't want to believe our fellow citizens think like this...we don't want to alienate the friends and family that has been brainwashed by this scum...we don't want to think of the logical repercussions from having this many people brainwashed

Scum? I am a leftist. Am I scum? I vehemently disagree with virtually everything in this post. Am I scum?

you said you support the riots.

why in the hell do you think people are going to treat you with any respect when you advocate they should be attacked for not agreeing with you?

That is a straw man. I've said nothing of the sort. I support the use militant tactics, including property destruction, as a part of political protests. And I support taking a No Tolerance stance against hate speech promulgated by white nationalists. Denying them a platform to spread their message and organize politically is a perfectly justifiable strategy. I'd support a wide range of tactics to accomplish that goal. Ultimately, while not one to engage in violence myself, I can't condemn violence employed to that end, either. And property destruction is not violence, by the way.

nested reply

That is a straw man. I've said nothing of the sort.

bacchist68 · 3 hours ago
I support the Berkeley riots.

you advocate they should be attacked for not agreeing with you

I don't advocate that. I did not say anything of the sort. I explained myself in more detail in the response you just quoted. Since you'd rather attack your mischaracterization of my statements instead of my statements themselves, I don't see much of a point in continuing the conversation.
