Adam challenges soldier on Trump's response to veteran issues

in #military6 years ago

Find out what this soldier has to say about his Commander in Chief and veteran issues.

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I think the start of the interview is very interesting.

Most people are so busy and overwhelmed with fending for themselves and their loved ones, they really have no time to be outraged at all the crimes the gov. is committing in their name. And the gov. is well aware of this fact!

The veteran's will not be ran over by that twitter rant master because I believe they are people who have contributed positively to what America is today and the only way to acknowledge this is not to make claims about them but to get them into a conversation and listen to their plight at least. For God sake, partisan politics has to stop!

soldier who haven't experience killing innocent people can definitely worsen their sickness called PTSD, though i've never experience it by myself or even witnessing killing in real life, but the government should take a drastic action to this issue, @adamkokesh, you're right about marijuana and other plants that can fight depression and PTSD, but the government don't like it. Organic Plant medicine is a threat to dreug industries.

We don't have time to be making arguments when we should be listening. Any govt in his right senses will listen and learn more from the veterans instead of making some vague statement

Candidate Trump loudly and frequently condemned the Obama administration’s treatment of veterans, frequently (and absurdly) arguing that under Obama, veterans were treated worse than undocumented immigrants. Trump, in his typical manner, rarely offered any particular policy critique of the Obama administration’s approach — he just vaguely invoked the scandals (which were better-publicized than the subsequent bipartisan legislation or successful reforms) and tossed it into the general stew of racial and cultural animosity of his campaign message.

Trump's treatment of Veterans, while an improvement over Obama's in my opinion, isn't still what they deserve. I maintain my stand and agree with you that the best way to treat War veterans is to stop creating more by staying out of needless Wars.

I don't know how it can improve with the VA as it is currently structured.

Like trying to use a bucket to empty a boat taking on water without patching the holes or getting a new boat.

Just a calm kind dude. Though the lights are on while nobody is home, the world would be awesome if people had good intentions like nurses have

I don't think that guy really cared about much of anything before or after the interview. lol

I believe the troops should be permitted to get free oil since they are actually fighting for it

We as Muslims in Indonesia support you to become president of America in the coming year 2020. Mr. @adamkokesh, continue to fight for freedom for those who have the right to live on this earth

Your post is always different i follow your blog everytime,your post is so helpful.I always inspire of your post on my steem work.Thank you for sharing @adamkokesh

You follw my blog @powerupme & upvote please

I think the beginning of the interview is very interesting and I agree with the opinion
you have chosen the right path I think @adamkokesh after you get out of the army you feel the freedom.
our self is a reflection for others and vice versa others is a reflection for ourselves @adamkokesh has reflected freedom in the prospect of peaceful life against unfair and I make you the motivation of my life in fighting for freedom.

President Trump on Sunday responded to reports of alleged chemical attacks in the Syrian city of Douma, blaming Syrian President Bashar Assad and his international allies for a clear attack that left dozens dead and hundreds injured. In some of his most critical comments directed at Russian President Vladimir Putin to date, Trump threatens that there is "a huge price ... to pay" to those who support the Assad regime.


President trump is a great drama actor, throwing a stone hide his hands.had many fatalities, where your conscience is trumped ??

I know the soldier will do justice to that question. Had mobile network issues trying to watch the clip

I left facebook, because I follow adam kokesh in steemit.

I heard word that @adamkokesh will leave facebook
I immediately created a steemit account.

I have a collection of books, videos and photos of adam kokesh.

We all want to live in peace.
We all want fair treatment.
We all want to prosper.
We all need freedom.
We all need love.
We all suffer under statism in political thought to make the state the center of all power.

My simple statement is that if everybody has a stake in government. The veterans have the biggest share in it, so what are we saying here. They have seen it all

wow thats great news for us. i hope that your next post is helps us. and sty with us. because i am a new in steemit so every body hell me and pray for that i can increas my my steem power honestly.

Trump insulted countless veterans when he said this about John McCain, a former POW: “He’s not a war hero…He was a war hero because he was captured. While McCain was serving his country, Trump was enjoying a series of draft deferments and once even bragged to Howard Stern about his sexual exploits and avoiding STDs by saying “It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
Trump also insulted the Muslim parents of a fallen soldier—a soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country.
From my opinion veterans don’t support Trump because he’s bad for America. He is the opposite of everything that made me want to enlist and serve my country.They hate Trump !

Defending McCain wasn't a good way to start your point. edit: most veterans do support President Trump, particularly the combat arms types. Interpret that however you'd like.

someone please stop partisan politics.Please

nice video! we have peace on Korea now thanks to Trump xP

If you don't mind i have a question.

I Need known to your personal Opinion.

You Basically Love or Hate Donald Trump ?

This great politics
I like it this dtube channel
I appreciate your valuable Post... best of luck 👍👍

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Thanks, this good comments share....

Hello, i am new this site... can you please help me with an upvote?

Your struggle just started Mr. @adamkokesh, keep excited until power is in your hands

good @adamkokesh
we support you to come forward as a presidential candidate

your post is very nice and wonderful,

Yes we support you @adamkokesh ... we support Freedom... ❤😍

you are the best @adamkokesh, I will always faithfully support you and I certainly always campaign for you.
we in aceh really hate the name trump (president of america) he has committed many crimes against the child of palestiana and he support yerussalem as the capital of israel, it is very painful for us islam.from it I hope to you @adamkokesh to be president of america at least you can change the fate of the child of Palestine.

history that can not be forgotten, this is a true warrior to a million mankind



Remove Donald trum, select @adamkokesh for future president that will bring peace and freedom
my support for you, my president @adamkokesh



Freedom is the right of all human beings, be it black, white, yellow, green or pink. The rights of permanent freedom must be realized by the government in power.

The figure of @adamkokesh is one of the activists who keeps raising the voice of freedom for all human beings on this earth. Through post @adamkokesh I read many articles about freedom.

@adamkokesh able to hypnotize all circles of society to re-restore the remnants of freedom that have begun to decay by time. @adamkokesh we must support to continue to convey the voice of freedom.

In @adamkokesh steemit has opened our eyes to the perpetuation of freedom that continues to be done by those who hate the freedom to walk well around the world.

I recommend the figure @adamkokesh should be given moral and moral support, so that the voice of freedom is no longer silenced. @adamkokesh is "SUPERMAN" with the power of freedom that has penetrated into his soul.

Continue to fight @adamkokesh, we always support you to voice the voice of freedom to the whole universe ....

watch this cop try to bully me and lose

good points bra

Totally agree with this post...Help and support each other and the world as a whole--a better place...
creative job @adamkokesh, thank you for sharing.

La mayoría de las personas están tan ocupadas por defenderse a sí misma y a sus seres queridos, que realmente no tienen tiempo para indignarse por todos los crímenes que comete el gobierno, está cometiendo en su nombre. Y el gobierno es muy consciente de este hecho!

You only continue to make yourself sound misinformed when you spread fallacies. Twenty veterans a day DO NOT commit suicide, if you are going to continue on to be proved a liar you are no better than the rest of them, shows you are not really serious about being a president and are just milking the system for your own benefit.


While the suicide rate among veterans from operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom is still too high, it’s not 22 a day.
There is a statistic that has been widely quoted in the veteran community that highlights an estimated 22 veterans a day are committing suicide. It is a deeply troubling statistic and has galvanized the veteran movement, both from inside the military and veteran communities, and externally, to bring about a wide range of programming nationwide. The statistic, however, is widely misunderstood.

This figure — 22 veterans a day commit suicide — while widely touted by politicians, media outlets, veterans service organizations, among others, comes from the VA’s 2012 Suicide Data Report, which analyzed the death certificates of 21 states from 1999 to 2011, and often is not provided within the right context. The report itself, as cited by the Washington Post earlier this year, warned, “It is recommended that the estimated number of veterans be interpreted with caution due to the use of data from a sample of states and existing evidence of uncertainty in veteran identifiers on U.S. death certificates.” As an example, the average age of veteran suicides within the data set was nearly 60 years old, not representative of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans generation.

A more recent study, which surveyed 1.3 million veterans who were discharged between 2001 and 2007, found that “Between 2001 and 2009, there were 1650 deployed veterans and 7703 non-deployed veteran deaths. Of those, 351 were suicides among deployed veterans and 1517 were suicides among non-deployed veterans. That means over nine years, there was not quite one veteran suicide a day,” according to the Washington Post.


While veterans have a suicide rate 50% higher than those who did not serve in the military, the rate of suicide was, as the LA Times reported, “…slightly higher among veterans who never deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq, suggesting that the causes extend beyond the trauma of war.”

Coming home from war, a six-month deployment on a ship, or simply transitioning from a life in uniform to a life without one, can be difficult and the various state and federal systems set up to deal with this transition and life after military services are unable to meet the need. That is not to say these programs — the Veterans Affairs entitlement and benefit programs like medical care, the G.I. Bill, the VA Home Loan, etc. — are not helpful; they are. But, for my generation of veterans from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, our suicide rate is closer to one a day and most likely to occur in the first three years of return. While this this is still very troubling, it is not 22.

Truly we bolster you @adamkokesh ... we bolster Freedom..

This is the common description of communities no matter the president in turn (a total sense of indifference and a sheer amount of ignorance)... Slavery used to be legal, and people who helped slaves were considered criminals too because they were violating the law.

If something is written in the constitution, it doesn't mean it's morally right.

And it is so easy to make people contradict themselves. Their blindness is so outrageous that when someone throws some facts on their faces, the OH OH moment shows up "What have I been doing?" they think.

When military people understand that the oath they take is for protecting the rights and lives of innocent people, that would be the moment when all governments in the world fear the consequences of their actions.

Congratulations @adamkokesh!
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It is funny how the camera can effect people. I found out this soldier doesn't know much and really didn't have much to say. Did this guy actually make it through boot camp? I don't believe we should have a standing army first off and bombing Syria or any country shouldn't be happening. Of course back in 1984 when I enlisted I was pro-military, today not so much. I have learned a lot since then and still learning everyday. I hope the guy got an autographed copy of FREEDOM which is always Free at

“Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country's cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause.”
― Abraham Lincoln