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RE: You may now refer to me as Big Dolphin

in #milestone5 years ago

Thanks @fullcoverbetting! 5k is a huge achievement as well and I'm rooting for you to make that goal!

And I agree, it will probably be easer from here to 15k than from 4k to 5k even... Steem really is a compounding machine :-)

Maybe I should create a goal for myself, I never do that as I don't like to do 'book keeping' haha! But 15k in October sounds like a great goal to achieve :D

Yes, I'm not complaining about the support I get, and I realize how lucky I am. I've noticed some consistent support after I went to different meet-ups, people like voting for people they know 'IRL', so that definitely helps, and maybe some other aspects too - work and luck I'd say, it's always a mix of both.

Thanks for your comment Peter! Keep on Steeming :D


We have to be honest. Luck is some part of the game!
It is hard to be discovered by a bigger account. And indeed meeting people in real life of course helps! To bad, my 2 sons with all their football keeps me too busy to go to steem meetups! Really regret that!
For me setting a goal helps! But we are all different in that aspect!
Great that you have accepted the challenge of @phortun. I do expect an bi-weekly update from both of you!

Your two sons can join my next meet-up :D Hahaha - we'll just make Steemians of them!

But yes, luck is part of it - in the beginning I randomly got support from a while, lasted a few (6?) months, and after that I reached almost 3000 SP - from scratch. Almost 90% came from that whale - I have no idea if I would've become such an active Steemian without that feeling of support/recognition.

Steem is not a fair game, it's a game of luck and networking :-)

Really hope to see you at 'a' meet-up someday!

Will try to make it there!
The oldest one already has an account. The youngest one will have to wait a little bit longer!