When my Mom reached 70, she wasn't quite as happy. Seriously though, a 70 rep in less than a year is extraordinary!
I bet you wish you'd waited to claim your Byteball tokens, cos you could have had twice as many now, grrr.
Fun fact: I went to Hogwarts, well, a boarding school in England like Hogwarts, except with no girls and no magic, which are the same things really. :(
Ah I see! An Hogwartian or of a similar temperament................ well let me put it this way - my school had tunnels (I kid you not) and I was a Harry Potter fan. The two things combined together to create an incredible world of fantasy in my head. I am still struggling to rid my head of it :-)
About girls..........well they smelled the 'nerd' in me so fast that that all I could ever catch of them was whiff of their perfume. As you can imagine they are more of a mystery to me than magic ;-)
Funniest comment ever right here! My daughter is a HP nut! We homeschool and limit screentime so she only started reading the books last year. Well, she's a voracious reader so she tore through the entire series and then re-read the series 5 times in that first month. I then allowed her to watch the movies and she's only watched them each 1-2 times, yet has nearly all memorized.
The funny thing is she has no concept of nerds, popularity, etc because she hasn't experienced it, but I was the classic nerd growing up. I had two brothers so I could hold my own but it still sucked to get picked on for being smart. I was even once told (by one of the "popular boys") that I was pretty, but too smart for anyone to like me. I attended that school for 9 years-always the nerd. Well, luckily it became a good thing in high school and being a large school, there wasn't the stigma with being smart there, but I still held on to the nerd title inside.
Anyway, my daughter is the coolest kid I know. By the standards of which I was judged in school, she would be considered a nerd too, but she has loads of self confidence and I love watching her carry herself without the shyness I see in so many kids today.
Anyway, I got off topic, but tunnels under a school? Awesome!
Well, none of the girls ever told me that I was pretty but they sure wanted tuitions though :-) The fact that I was in an all boys school didn't help the matters either. By the time I came to high school things changed for the better. Who knew that nerds with mean right hooks could actually be respected!!!
I think nerd hood wasn't as much as a problem as my own anti social behavior as a kid. I loved books and use to skip classes to read fiction novels. The problem was that kids didn't really understand why I was doing it and it came to blows on more than one occasion.
Harry Potter was my main book for the longest time and thankfully I made a few friends because of it. I am not really sure how many times I have read them in all but I can understand why your daughter is going through them like chocolate :-) It was exactly the same for me. I actually read Crichton and Clancy before I read Rowling, so it was a bit of a change for me and yet I was hooked on HP from the beginning.
I am not exactly sure whats school life is like these days but its good to hear that your girl is doing well socially.
When I hear about hog warts I just imagine a bunch of hairy moles hehehehe is that weird @rodneysreviews
Ooh yuck, you're more Roald Dahl than J.K. Rowling, Kawaiicrush! :)
hehe yes! I have a silly sense of humor! =P
I went to the same high school as the man who filmed Terminator and Titanic! James Cameron! I am originally from Niagara Falls Canada! So that is sort of magical too!
I met James Cameron once, at a talk, and I told him I liked "True Lies" because it was a comedy, and I felt he was stepping out of his comfort zone doing that. He thanked me for that, as he was delighted somebody noticed he did something other than epic action and drama lol.
By the way it is really nice to meet you Rodney. My name is Stephany =DTrue Lies!! What a classic!! I loved Weaver in that! Cool story @rodneysreviews! I met John Candy on the set of Makin Canadian Bacon! He was so laid back. I was a pre-teen at the time. I told him I wanted nothing more than to entertain and act. He told me just do it! So I did. I am now a member of Actra Canada.
Nice to meet you too.
I am such a fan of movie comedians. I am quite jealous you got to meet the wonderful John Candy. I mean this guy appeared with John Belushi in "The Blues Brothers," Bill Murray in "Stripes," and Steve Martin in "Planes Trains and Automobiles!" And he appeared with you too. That kind of puts you among the comedy greats lol. Wow! :)
Oh boy haha I don't know about that lol but yes he is a legend indeed! =D