Ok, uninteresting fact about me is I always wear odd socks, generally plain, since 1989 when I put on one orange and one turquoise sock after mixing the pairs up and being in a rush. For the first time that night, I got the phone number of a girl I really liked in a nightclub! I just think odd socks are lucky now!
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sock-it-to-ya @gentmartin lol, I don't know how or where to start comment to this. I suggest still washing those socks regularly, you don't want to scare her away.
My laundry machine feeds itself on socks. I too sometimes have to wear stray-socks together as a pair. I never noticed the luck. Maybe I should pay more attention :P
Haha. I have a thing about needing to wear matching socks and won't leave my apartment otherwise. The only time I'll wear mismatches is if it was an honest mistake when rushing to get ready, and then it'll bother me. We're polar opposites here, but perhaps I should try it since it got you a good phone number.
That's hilarious. So, do you buy the same brand in different colors at least? Just wondering because the different textures would drive me bananas!