Hope - The Reverse Manifestation
I hope I can!
I sure hope so!
Hope it works out!
Hope is a trick.
When you hear someone saying something like: "We need to give people hope." What exactly would you give them?
I was 23 years old when I realized what I'm about to share. I was at a rainbow gathering in Ocala national forest in the process of channeling the creation of a brand new religion and teaching people what we called then "The Art of Manifestation" and they call now "The Law of Attraction" (separate from the new religion). Seriously, that is what I was doing with my life at 23 years old. When I watched "The Secret", it was like some guy with money was there back then listening to us and jotting it all down then made a movie-book couple decades later about it that just confused society. But hey, at least they made a lot of money right? The one thing we did teach back then that they do not teach today, quite the opposite, was to treat it with respect. Don't overuse it. We considered that abuse and taught it as such.
Have you ever hoped for something?
Yes, I'm fairly certain you have.
Ok, and when you decided to hope for it, how did you feel?
Did you feel like you could achieve the thing you were hoping for?
Likely not.
Normally, when we are hoping for something it is because we already feel as though we can't get it. Yet, to get something you must feel as though you can get it.
You can see that this is a bit of a conundrum. When we begin to use the word hope in this manor we are already feeling, or immediately start to feel, like this thing we want is out of reach.
Yet, this feeling of not being able to reach it is not in tune with our desire. Now, we can add things to our attempts like visualization or any other trendy technique out there yet we will still feel as though that thing is somehow out of reach. It won't be a large feeling. Rather insignificant, and in many cases will go unnoticed because of all the other emotions we feel when hoping for things. We are hoping because we were taught this word and to use it this way.
Now, when we say "to have hope" it sounds different. This sounds like something great! We have hope! When we see a person that did not seem to have hope and then we see them again excited, we assume they have hope now and go about our day, never thinking at all about this word.
We talk as though people need this "hope" brought too them. We feel as though we must help a person have this word in their life.
Yet on the other side of that it's a different word and feel altogether. When you are hoping things change they rarely do because you are hoping, which inherently means that you're feeling like you can't achieve the thing. You "hope" as if it will magically fall from the sky. It will, in a manner of speaking, just not with hope.
I have now called hope "The Reverse Manifestation" for 23 years. Knowing it's sneaky little trick.
So, at 23 years old, 23 years ago... after pondering this for several days, I went to an elder I deeply respected. Yes, I know the difference between "older" and "elder". We called him "Rockefeller". Not because he was rich, he might have been we didn't know or care. Because when one of the kitchens was trying to dig a shallow well he was out there at like 60 years old carrying more rocks than anyone else regardless of age. He was then named "Rockefeller" by our tribe.
I proposed this notion to him, and unlike a few folks my age, he listened to the whole thing and then sat silent for quite some time.
It took him so long that I forgot that he was still pondering and then, in an ultra excited tone he lets out "Seek to embrace!"
Which of course made no sense whatsoever cause by this time I was well into another conversation with the guy on my left.
"The answer to hope. Seek to embrace." He says. I of course am now stumbling to catch up. "Seek to embrace what?" I chime.
"You are right about hope, reverse manifestation... you must instead seek to embrace the thing you want." He exclaimed super plainly."
He was right. He had it! The answer!
When we seek, we are looking for. Things that are looked for are often found. "Look and you shall see, seek and you shall find, ask and it is given." Religious or not, that is some good shit. (that has way deeper meaning that it seems)
If you are seeking something then you are in a state conducive to finding it.
You actually believe you will!!!
Well to only seek would only mean you find. Finding is cool but having it is cooler, so embracing what you find is great.
He really did it, he broke the code on the tricky ass word "hope".
People don't need hope, they need help. If you see a person you think needs hope, you're really saying they need encouragement. So encourage them, but don't give them a tricky little bitch like hope. If you hear them say that they hope some bullshit... Set them straight, let them know to seek.
If you're trying to change something, hurting, wanting something to stop, stop hoping and start seeking.
Once you start seeking, you'll start finding.
Hope - The Reverse Manifestation
by Michael David
Co-founder of #thealliance and loyal since before the egg.

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