Clueless black women making crazy claims about mgtow

in #mgtow8 years ago (edited)

Simone56 on youtube is making some silly claims about black men.

Apparently black men are paying white men to bash black women? Where is the proof lady? LOL
Sandman and few mgtow does take doantions but I hardly doubt any of these men get total of $15 000 let alone $500 in a month.


It's more then racial that is causing the increase of mgtow. However the black community has been plagued by feminists doctrine aka I'm a strong black woman, I don't need no man attitude. Mgtow is a reaction to laws, the media, to society that talks about women's rights but nothing women's responsibilities.

Well hello, this is Simone56... the ONE AND ONLY. I have PROOF that a YouTube vlogger named The Veganator was indeed paid money to make trolling videos about Black women. He admits as much in a video and shows proof. Many videos attest to it.

No he didn't, he showed the money was still the same. He was actually joking but apparently you take things too seriously. I did pay a few a black man to bash black women because of you black women doxed a black MGTOW. the person I donated to is Oshay Duke Jackson. I have the proof too because he offered my money back later on. LOL

What's more funny is that you black women think I"m a black man. lol I'm an Asian man and when you doxed a fellow black MGTOW that is when I started trolling your channels. Some black men moved to Bitchute and it will be harder to get people banned from there. We also have a lot of MGTOW and black men's video backed up onto private servers. Since we're using peer to peer the cost will be low since the servers won't use much bandwidth. You will not be able to silence us with the false flag. lol