Confessions Of A Migtow

in #mgtow8 years ago

Photo Courtesy Of Innovation Leadership Forum

Being MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) is a very difficult experience. This is not a hit piece against Migtow individuals, nor is it meant to be offensive to this particular community. Most importantly, I've been MGTOW for the last 31 years. Women have always been difficult to relate to; especially, considering how they have been severely indoctrinated, thanks to public schooling, to alienate men from their lives. Women are taught to forgo men in favor of having careers that cater specifically to men. They too have been told to kick the man out of the house, so the government can provide subsidies, as long as they continue to elect Democratic candidates. As men, we're bullied by the system while women reap the handsome rewards Uncle Sam provides, at the expense of working class men. The system is stacked against us!

There is great difficulty in going through it alone. Earlier today it became obvious I was alone. Walking through the fairgrounds and seeing people together was difficult to experience, from a very personal and selfish perspective. After having never experienced any sort of relationship, that would remotely be considered romantic, it's hard to imagine if it's something I could possibly accomplish. An inability to connect with women has weighed heavily on my mind and continues to be physically and mentally draining. From this experience, I realized this feeling was a choice. It was a choice because my bad attitude and life-long decisions have led to a difficult set of circumstances, of which I may never fully recover from. No, I'm not suggesting being MGTOW is to blame; however, I would only like to offer a fresh perspective on the subject, because it would seem as though the MGTOW movement is leading young men to a very dangerous set of circumstances.

Here's a little dirty truth about women. Are you ready for it? Not all women are looking to screw men over, despite what you see and hear in the media. The media, including the internet, will have you believe women and men are at war. This line of thought is playing into the hands of the banksters. American financial system is dead, middle-class jobs aren't coming back, and the jobs that are coming back won't pay all that much because of increased automation. Banksters and political figures know this, so they need to hype up tension within American borders, as well as to start more wars in other countries, to ensure the American public remains stupid on what the bigger picture is. Sorry to have to tell you this, but both the feminist and MGTOW movements are fuel to the bankster created fire. A fire that will only grow until we Americans say enough is enough.