Money is very important for us. Without money we cannot do anything, so there are two way to earn money
1 online
2 offline.
Today I will discuss about how you can earn money online remember you can use this method as a part time job I suggest you do not choose these methods as a career if you are not working then you don't own a single digit of money.
Freelancer: if you have a special skill then freelancer is for you. There are lot of website like Fiverr are hiring people who are good in a separate work like programming, designing, content writing etc. they will hire you for a job and after you done your job they will pay you. Freelancer is work for worldwide so there are lot of chance to earn money.
Bloging : blogging is another good idea for online earning there are lot of people who earn a lot of money through blogging
If you love writing then blocking is for you you can share your experience your knowledge with others through your hosting website.
If you are interested you can join blogger it's a google product and you can earn online.Youtube : everybody knows about YouTube YouTube is a video sharing website where you can share your videos but do you know you can earn money through this method, Yes absolutely right you can earn money actually a lot of money through YouTube but it's time taking process first of all you need a smartphone and a YouTube channel after that you can upload your videos on YouTube and people watched your videos and if they like your videos there also subscribe you channel. If your channel is qualified by Google AdSense then you can earn money through YouTube.
All the methods are time taking you cannot be a billionaire in just one night or in one week if you work hard and passionated about these professions then you will definitely earn.