hey, guys what's going on welcome to another Post let's talk about the free service which offers you 100 GB of free cloud storage like Degoo backup. referral link https://cloud.degoo.com/drive-jvimaapgjbse
where you can store your files from your
I believe 100 GB is more than enough for average user if you if you're not satisfied with 100 GB you can
get more as you can see two thousand gigabytes for 999 dollars monthly you.
have other plans if you want so you know that Dropbox offers you two GB of free storage then one Drive offers you I believe five something like that and Google Drive overview 15 if you if secure Google account I believe it's.
something like that so this is 100 GB of free cloud storage and the service is 100% legit we also have an iOS and Android app as you can see when you go to the Play Store and it has over 1 million downloads and 84 thousand reviews with average 4.4 which is great.
I believe so if you want to install this on your system just click on download now. Degoo Referral link https://cloud.degoo.com/drive-jvimaapgjbse
download the installation here let's run installation very quickly just click on next.
okay then we are installation has finished thank you for downloading okay.
let's start the program her second see the interface you need to
create an account here I will do that with my Google account, okay you will see. the interface looks very clean and user.
friendly as you can see hi exactly here to get the 500 GB free extra backup.
storage's probably paid yeah if you invite your friends you have a
3 GB more and you can upgrade your account here you can drag and drop your files cannot be added to backup you have to add a folder ok let's create.
one folder here and I will add this file just drag it here and it will start. Referral link Degoo https://cloud.degoo.com/drive-jvimaapgjbse
uploading it you can download files from here or here you have some settings and that's pretty much it.
you can also iOS or Android app Windows 10 over here alright guys here you go install the app
on my Android phone and all you need to do is just log in.
here and that you are good to go so that's it don't forget to upvote and comment ![degoo-android-select-folders.png]
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