Hi guys , as you know the blog is about blood donation as many people still have doubts about blood donate and what to eat , when to do it, is it healthy or not so lets take a look about it.
Guys the first thing is why we donate blood , to help other like our blood can help to save someones life. So, there are lots of camps also running around our cities and countries worldwide and many people do it but still people have doubts about it.
So, when you go to donate blood, the medical expert person take blood test first to make sure that your body haven`t any disease and you dont have problems like diabetes , Cholesterol, flu, aids etc. so that you are eligible to donate it.
You can save your blood also by donating it in blood bank so if in case you need it in future, you can take it from blood bank and if you have a rare blood group which is very difficult to find then you should do it and you can do it for others too.
Reduce Excess Iron Overloaded
Our body has iron (mineral) in it which is stored in heart, liver ,pancreas and when our body start producing excess
iron than required , it starts affecting its all three homes means heart, liver and pancreas, so by donating blood it helps
you get rid of it.Low risk of liver cancer
The excess iron mineral affects damage liver and also creates cancer so by donating blood, the excess iron removes
from your body and make your liver strong.Productions of new blood cells
When you donate blood your body starts recovery of the blood loss and production of new blood cells start.Fat loss
Regularly donating blood helps you burn calories so it helps you to lose weight also.Better blood circulation
It helps in better flow of blood in your body and also maintain supply of oxygen in body.Reduce risk of heart attack
Donating blood helps your heart by better circulation of blood and reduces risk of arteries blockage and clotting of
blood.Healthy brain
According to a research , donating blood makes you happy and a chemical in your brain releases and make your brain
healthy.Cholesterol and BP control
It helps you to maintain them also.Free health checkup
Free is a word which make many people excites.
A healthy person can donate blood after every 4 months and after 6 months is perfect and its better if you select a date or a day of a month to make it a habit and you stick to your plan.
You can donate 1 pint= 470 ml of blood at a time and you can save 3 lives with one pint so in a year you save 6 lives which is truly inspirational and amazing fact.
Can i workout after donating blood?
No, you should avoid workout for next 24 hours as your iron reduces and your blood circulation decreases and almost 1/10 th blood of your body removes so it takes atleast 24 hours to recover otherwise you feel weakness so eat iron rich food in these 24 hours like fish, chicken,eggs , beans , spinach, peanut butter add it in your diet and intake oranges and other Vitamin C food as it helps to absorb iron and start your routine after 24 hours.
I request you to please make a habit of donating blood on yours and your loved one birthday to wish them.
Rahul Wasan
pics credit:-giffy.com and google images
keel sharing this type of healty stuff dude.
thank you and ill continue
blood donation great donation
yes ofcourse i appreciate if you read the article as i spend my 4 hours to create it. thanks
no need of thanks , as we are on same boat that is to gain success on steem it so do the same as i did
great man but still sometimes when you start writing yourself and create your content on your own you feel a responsibility to spread some awareness which people dont have about few things as this is one of those .
that was very detailed article my friend and i can see your effort keep the work continue
thank you for your kind words
Indeed the points are true.
yes they are very true
free health check-up? really cool,lol!
hahha ha lol but this is actually reality
@rahulwasan yes i atleast make blood donation once in a 6 month
its very good for ur health also
Blood donation is biggest donation
I think many pepole need to blood but he dont getting right time so we help us.Go and do Blood donation and help to other needed family
Best of luck every donor@rahulwasana
really best of luck every donor
Awesome... nice one... everyone should donate the blood.. our donated blood might help someone in future... thanks for sharing the info about benefits of donating blood..
yes your welcome please resteem the blog to reach it to maximum people
i m donating in every 3 month
great job brother
@rahulwasan our country must have a rule that "our body part which are working must be donated after my death "
i feel the same too
It is amazing that you are promoting blood donation.
I have volunteered in many blood donation camps as helper and a donor.
Great work buddy keep doing it
Blood Donation is a noble job.
healthy job and noble job
Blood donation is very good for both., Even the donators benefit from it. One should donate once in a while.
yes buddy its very healthy and beneficial
Wow your article is very information. Keep sharing great content like this
i will my friend
Really impressive. I feel good to give my upvotes to ppl like you who search for contents like this. Upvoted followed and commented.let's Keep supporting each other ❤️❤️❤️
yes ofcourse my friend
I have donated blood almost 7 times
nice work dude
@rahulwasan good post my friend
thanks dear
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@rahulwasan great info my friend
thank you @flash07
Thanks Rahul for the great post.
It is always benifitial to donate Blood for the body. Every one should be donating blood atleast once an year. It sad that some people have myth about it. You listed a lot of benifits that i didnt know about. Thanks
thanks a lot friend for your kind words
i have needle fear ,.do u have any suggestion for it
buddy i don`t know what to say but how can you someone scared from neddle