According to me The game Between RBI and Government will come to an end very soon. Bitcoin is basically an important asset of Japan which is a key friend of India and has a provided a loan to India at a low-interest rate. If India will Ban Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies then the direct impact will be on the Japanese economy and they will have to face a downfall. So automatically the conclusion comes out that if India wants to maintain healthy relationships with Japan then it will not Ban bitcoin in any situation.
In a few days to come India will definitely make bitcoin legal with tax imposition. This will become the major revenue generating source for the country as cryptocurrencies are the future of the nation and one has to accept this fact.
Please let me know your views! Thanks
hope it may legal
Yes it will be legal in the long term. As its the future of nation so no can declare it as illegal!
welcome sir! Hope our community gets larger and larger.
Yes i think
You are thinking absolutely correct it will be legal in the long run.
Yes cryptocurrency is going to be legal in india.....because its very important for our next generation too.