I'm back! How's life on Hive?!

in #mexico2 years ago


It's been just over a week now since I got back from a 3 month offgrid cabin job that was cut short to just a few days due to the client trying to save money and trying to build a pitched roof on a 15 x 10m brick building. By trying to save money they actually ended up fucking it all up though, no wall plate on the brickwork for the roof to sit on was the first fuck up, the fuck up before that was no damp proof coursing on the brick walls to stop rising damp. Cluster fuck!

They had also made the rafter distance 1.5m wide when it should be no longer than 600mm (60cm) and to make it worse they drilled huge holes to recieve a metal rod in the ends of the rafters to "secure it" when they should be nailed to the wooden wall plate. I only did a few days before I left the building site, due to the not listening and thinking they know best, even if I was the 20th something person to work there and quit, they are now at the same progress as they were at the start, actually in a worse off position because it's all wrong.

They kept delaying me to start and I knew that they had someone else working there, they thought they would cut corners and save money because in Mexico the people are so restarted that they pay laborors the same wages as skilled Trained professionals, and expect it to work like that hahaha. Well that's just human nature I guess, but we'll, they might learn that you just can't cutcorners whilst building houses. Mexican are poor only due to there own ignorance by not paying eachother properly, and also accepting shit wages.


Back to normailty

It was a good few days though out in the nature, in a semi tropical part of México, great to work again and teh chance to finally get out of the poverty trap I am in since June 2022. It did get me to stop living in houses which was a real bonus, house life destroys my soul.

I am staying in a tent next to a mate who lives in his huge RV but the tent leaks and all my things are damp wand wet since a few days. It's obvious weather manipulation is happening, the rainy season is on but it's not been so wet the last month up until the last days. I would love to take real photos but I don't have a phone still nor a camera so the photos I can take are only from my front camera of this tablet that's survivedi will ask to use a phone right now to get some pics of what I am doing for money..


Aka Hard Cider if you live in the states. I go sell it at the market but it's hard to sell because people don't know what it is haha! I used my wages to buy a label printing machine and this is my design for the back and front:



I use only water, sugar, yeast and fruits to make it, with no cooking involved. I put the ingredients in a 20l water container and let the fruits flavor the water for 2 weeks then I filter it out into 10 liter bottles to let it ferment for atleast 2 months. Loopy juice it certainly is!

I dont have a tester to see how much alcohol it has but it's easily more than 10%.. I drank 6x 250ml bottle Saturday night and I don't think I have ever been so drunk in my life, getting home back to the tent was nearly impossible, physically!

I go today to get a free treatment of snake venom, it will be the second day of 3. Yesterday I had timbersnake and green mamba venom put into burns on my skin. I get picked up to go very soon, in a few mins so I will end this post now. Got to start posting again as some kind of measly income tbh hahha, but luckily my experience of life is "different" so the contents usually original and interesting.

Have a great day!



Loopy juice alright. Home made booze of any kind is dicing with death imo haha. I forgot you are in Mexico. ARe you enjoying it?

I have an acquaintance who use to make his own homemade brew all the time until it near killed him. It didn't stop him from drinking he just drinks beers with lower alcohol content.

Oh man, it's hard to stop really. It takes a lot of work. I can imagine a switch to low alcohol would at least keep him alive.

Im not sure how people can be alcholics ahahha the hangover definity doesnt justify the "high" if you ask me hahaha

Probably why they always have to go back to the hair of the dog that bit them, trying to stay high to get away from the effects of the hangover. lol.

Hahaha maybe he was distilling? I just ferment at the local temperature around 20c but itdepends on how much sugar i start with at the begining, the next batch I will use 30% of what I have been using to try get just 5%

Look at you now 79! Where are you in the world? Im still loving mexico, 2 years here already! Sadly the skogenbosque project never got to relaunch due to zero interest and most people going back to their own normality of life 😅 but apart from that im still not getting very far with recovering from 2022, hope your well!

I go today to get a free treatment of snake venom, it will be the second day of 3. Yesterday I had timbersnake and green mamba venom put into burns on my skin.

Burn burns or sunburns, either way that sounds like another interesting story to hear.

Next post will be all about it, and some threespeak vids too!