I’m a big fan of traveling and the entire reason I got into cryptocurrencies was so that I could have the ability to travel more often. Coin Stories will be incorporating my travels into my content flow. I want people to see that the crypto-world is bigger than just sitting in-front of a monitor for hours upon hours. We must reward ourself with cryptobreaks and spending some time enjoying our favorite hobbies, whatever that may be. So with that said let’s chat about .... section of Coin Stories has been born. Let’s chat about Mexico!
I am not a financial advisor and all opinions discussed here are entirely my own.
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Any crypto-love would be great appreciated and will go towards motivating others to help grow this community.
BTC: 1D622NcLBhhoQLvTNa7c1NQ5t1ZrenC4c1
LTC: LXptmrSc3bV5eoaLG26dZNFS39cDjes2uM
Please email me at JSweeps2334@gmail.com if you want to chat about cryptocurrencies, life, or anything else.
it's great to see that your youtube channel is growing @jsweeps
and thx for sharing your experience