It would seem that the Internet has provided us with everything we could want: social networks, streaming platforms, online games, purchasing goods and paying bills. But what if we say that a completely new reality is opening up before us where games move into the virtual plane and the boundary between reality and virtuality is erased?
In this article we will explore the world of Metaverses, consider how they are developing and what prospects they offer for the future. Are we ready for the revolution, what changes should we expect and will it be more difficult to make money?
Metaverses are not dead, just no one is ready for them - Vladimir Okhotnikov
Understanding the importance of the Metaverse means looking into a future where the virtual and the real become inextricably linked. Meta-world is not just creating a new technological platform, it is changing the way we interact with information, communicate, work and even perceive our environment.
Today, those who make key purchasing decisions are largely from *Generations X and Y. This is the first reason why the Metaverses are so slow to evolve.
By 2024, the number of social media users will exceed 4.8 billion which is approximately a third of the total number of people on the planet.
For older generations, virtual reality still remains a redundant concept, that is, something that is more complicated than it needs to be, but in reality, it is not. Especially considering the fact that mobile apps provide enough convenience for everyday and work tasks, they believe that they have already reached the desired level of comfort.
The question is whether this generation needs the Metaverse if existing technologies cope with their needs - buying groceries at the store, paying bills, sending a message.
● According to DemandSpace, 51% of Metaverse users are currently under 13 years of age. These are Generations Z and Alpha which are becoming increasingly influential. For these young consumers virtual spaces are becoming the preferred way to interact with brands
_“Companies that ignore the development of Metaverses risk losing their youngest and most promising audience. You should pay attention to these technologies in order to keep up with consumer trends in the future,” _says Vladimir Okhotnikov.
Vladimir Okhotnikov is a crypto enthusiast, analyst and professional in the field of cryptocurrencies. He actively shares his experience and knowledge, in particular, he presents his vision of the finance future.
Lack of technological maturity is the second reason why Meta-world has not yet achieved widespread popularity. This process is similar to the development of computer games, which experienced a serious technological disadvantage due to the lack of necessary power in video processors 10-15 years ago.
● Unreal Engine 5 is capable of rendering images that are indistinguishable from the real world, but accessing these Metaverses requires prior installation and downloading of extensive content.
Even flagship products such as World of Warcraft are 70 GB in size which requires a stable high-speed Internet connection beyond the standard 10-20 Mb.
Smartphones and tablets are not initially adapted to work with such voluminous tasks, since their functionality is focused more on watching videos and surfing the Internet. Hence we get a conflict when, on the one hand, it is possible to port all applications to mobile platforms, but on the other hand, we cannot do this due to an imbalance in the autonomy of gadgets.
Gaming expansion: from the gaming world to the boundless Metaverse
In a world where digital boundaries are merging with reality, the question of where the most users are remains relevant. Metaverses associated with computer games are still in the top by the number of users: Roblox, Fortnite and Minecraft are the permanent leaders in this industry. Then why don’t such successful projects move on?
GWI - Almost a third of the working population goes online to play. Perhaps this trend indicates that a significant part of people may be looking for new opportunities for online earnings in the **Play-To-Earn format.
Vladimir Okhotnikov explains this by the fact that such games provide the opportunity to create a unique digital avatar, customizable by the user. However, the problem is that games are created primarily for entertainment, while Metaverses should carry additional meaning.
“Let’s say I don’t want to play, I don’t like it. Then I should have a choice: quit and not participate or switch to something else. For example, I am interested in making money on the Internet. I want to receive real money while in virtual reality. Is it possible to do this? Yes,” Vladimir Okhotnikov looks at Metaworld differently; for him it is not limited to games.
In Metaverses participants can create, exchange and trade unique digital NFT tokens. Next year, the opportunities will expand, everyone will have the chance to participate in a variety of virtual battles and events, giving their online life a deeper context.
Roblox is a popular online platform where people not only play games but also create their own. It's more like a whole world of diverse possibilities that resembles the Metaverse.
The transition from joystick to virtual reality
Metaverses should not remain just playgrounds but grow into something more - digital communities where each participant will continue to contribute to the creation of a unique virtual world.
Let this era of Metaverses become for us a time not only of entertainment, but also of inspiration. A time when we shape the digital landscape and new aspects of our online lives.
The switching from games to Metaverses is not just a step forward, it is a transition to a new era of digital reality where everyone will become a creator, traveler and inhabitant.
*Generations X and Y are two successive generations of people born and raised between the mid-1960s and early 2000s.
**Play-To-Earn is a concept in the gaming industry where a hobby turns into a source of income. Gamers can earn real money just by playing. This model has become popular thanks to the use of blockchain technology.