I've been wanting to do a post highlighting a few funny songs within the genre of Metal music. Some of these are lost in antiquity and it is my hope that some of these might be a first time audio experience for you. I hope that I can find representations of all of the songs that are dancing around within my memories. Enjoy. I hope you get some chuckles, laughs, or perhaps grimaces out of this journey.
When I first heard the name Ludichrist I did not think of the musical artist that most of you likely associate with that name. Instead I think of a metal band that would later change their name. However, while they were still Ludichrist they had a rather enjoyable and amusing band.
Ludichrist - This Party Sucks - 1988 from the album "Powertrip"

This band would go on to change their name to Scatterbrain and comedic metal seems to have been a particular forte of theirs. I'll be going over a few of their songs here.
Scatterbrain - Don't Call Me Dude - 1990 from the album "Here comes trouble"

From that album they also did a cover of the Cheech & Chong song Earache My Eye from the movie Up In Smoke.
Scatterbrain - Earache My Eye - 1990 from the album "Here comes trouble"

Just for completion here is the Cheech & Chong version they were covering...
Cheech & Chong - Earache My Eye - from the movie "Up In Smoke"
I'll only show one more Scatterbrain song before moving onto some other amusing titles.
Scatterbrain - Tastes Just Like Chicken - from the album "Scamboogery"

A friend of mine introduced me to this Green Jelly song telling a song about the "Three Little Pigs".
Green Jelly - Three Little Pigs

There was another band that came a long that had a lot of humor as well as being a progressive metal variant that is a combination of funk, punk and metal. It would be lead by members of Suicidal Tendencies including current Metallica bassist *Rob Trujillo". This band is called Infectious Grooves and in reality you could just play their albums from start to end and they could easily qualify as a comedy music post. Instead of doing that I'll pick a few moments that I believe highlight some of their particular humor and great music to go along with it.
Infectious Grooves - Punk It Up

The Infectious Grooves albums often have little comedy skit intermission like skits that play as a track between the actual musical songs. I wanted to play one of those here so you can see how they can be.
Infectious Grooves - Closed Session

Infectious Grooves - You Lie... And Yo Breath Stank

Infectious Grooves - Savor Da Flavor

I've done a post on the band Primus before and I want to throw one of their songs in here as they certainly qualify for being a Comedy Metal hybrid.
Primus - Mr. Knowitall - Live - 1991

This is already a long post and I could easily go on. If you don't like this and think this post was a waste of time then I have one song to end with. (just kidding, it's part of humor as well)
Overkill - Fuck you

They all are amazing songs!! I really it overkill-fuck you!! Lol!! Thanks for sharing with us these amazing song @dwinblood!!
When I have time I hear them, the only one that I know is FUCK YOU.... it is awesome.
Thanks for sharing dude
I had to force myself to stop when I did... I could come up with 5 to 10 times the amount of material I posted about pretty quickly.
Blast from the past! Those are some far out lyrics. Steem On brother!
The must have one you missed (other than 'No Anchovies Please'):
Awesome list man! Those are from back in the day when people actually rocked out for real. The lyrics do make me laugh though