Why Do Most People Think That Motivational Speakers Are Scammers?

in #mentor7 years ago (edited)

Most people think that motivational speakers who promote financial education by using taglines such as “Become A Multi-Millionaire”, “The Secret Of The Rich”, or “How To Achieve Financial Independence”, are all hogwash scam. But why is that?


  • People think that by simply attending a seminar, they can become rich without doing anything. They neglect the application or action part as their responsibility.

    Seminar is just an event that provides a guideline for us to follow. If we don’t follow and persist, then expect no result.

  • People undervalue the importance of personal development in spiritual, emotional and psychological level. They think that dealing with these aspects is shallow and impractical. They are only willing to pay for physical and intellectual development. These people do not realize how our inner world controls our actions, decisions and results. They also think that they can address these issues by themselves.

    How can you see the entire picture if you’re in it? Sometimes, it pays to get a little help.

  • Everything that deals with financial education that charges a fee and promotes another event or workshop with a fee again, is a SCAM. They think that if the speaker is truly under his advocacy to help, why does he charge a fee? It may sound like a marketing scheme for the speaker to earn more or a promotional event for business purposes.

What they do not realize is that, the speaker is doing his talk. He is teaching us to program our minds to charge a fee for any service that we provide which we think has a lot of value to the world.

Deep down, we are programmed to believe that we can only earn money by trading our time and energy. That’s why most of us are mediocre workers who just comply with the company’s standards

These motivational speakers are teaching us to charge a fee for our own personalized services. The more value you give
to your service, the more expensive it gets.

Imagine if they are giving seminars for free, people will subliminally get the message that “free is good.” Thus, collective experiences of getting free stuffs will program our minds to expect free stuffs from the government, family, friends,
employers and strangers. This will also result in rendering services for free instead of charging the right amount for its

In a nutshell, the masses think like a socialist and the wealthy including these motivational speakers, think like a capitalist.

A socialist is a giver who expects something in return, while a capitalist sustains his own needs before giving help. Therefore, they are self-sustaining and independent.

There’s a big difference.


Well, my opinion. First - i dont like peoples who is double-faced. They earn the good money because of poor peoples are looking for help. And they just scamming minds of these peoples. Almost everything is about knowledge and self control. And he is not giving any knowledge or any slef control or good info about how everything works in real life. And this "mentor" - he just making money just for talking useless things.

There are people like that but there are also mentors who deliver "real value." We just have to choose wisely. In my own personal experience, the first time I attended a seminar or conference, I was also skeptical. But eventually, I realized that they were just teaching things that are out of my consciousness and learned reality.