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RE: The conspiracy brain

in #mentalhealth4 months ago

Folks seem to need beliefs, and I myself as much as anyone, which I am just as devout about (which is the scientific method in my case) and I have no interest in undermining someone's enjoyment of their life

Yeah, because doing that... would be like suddenly kicking away their crutches, the walker or cane they need to get through life. ¿Amirite? };)


Well, it depends. If it's done maliciously, yeah. But more often it's the result, at least in my experience, of unthinking or innocent candor, like a tot that runs into a cocktail party with mom's BOB asking what it is. I don't hew to the truth because it is harmful to people, but because not doing so entrains me in comforting lies that do me far more harm than any emotional or intellectual discomfort about actual factual information. I've learned that experiencing discomfort when I discard false narratives gives me incentive to only adopt true narratives, to carefully assess what cultural beliefs I adopt on scientific grounds rather than purely political. I suspect this is because of the enormous impact of technology on our well being, and the relative inconsequence of mere social differences.

In pre-Colombian America, how the hair of a warrior was coiffed may well have been a matter of life and death, membership in this or that social group it signified was determinant of the level of murderous aggression other social groups - and the intensity of defensive action the social group it indicated membership in expressed. Today whether or not there's an electrical grid providing electricity to your community, and the reliability and expense of that electricity, matters a lot more than whether you have a flat top or lovely languid locks. The globalists have an agenda that depends on eliminating Western civilization, the societal formulation and promulgation of human rights and collective benefit from holding each the other in high regard enough to respect their rights to action, speech, and self defense, as well as style their hair, despite whether they styled their hair similarly or held the same taboos. What matters is factual reality, the scientific method of inquiry, and viewing the ability to conduct productive enterprise and trade with the highest respect.

The globalists are entraining Zoomers in very fact-averse worldviews, with extraordinarily suicidal consequences, using extant polities to disrupt and destroy robust and prosperous communities of the European heritages that produced Western civilization, and causing national collapse and replacement of political structures competent to promote their prosperity and felicity and defend their people and borders militarily, as they did Rhodesia, S. Africa, and with malice aforethought are achieving in France, Germany, and Sweden. Globalists are enabling the NWO to conquer the world by leg sweeping societies that have been the most competent and secure, because they are competent and secure. It is that competence and security that the NWO must outcompete to conquer them, and that is the intention of the NWO.

There is a set of indoctrination and propaganda endeavors that strike at the heart of Western civilization that are the core impact of globalism on society, and their advocates are traitors to humanity, because it is Western civilization that stands on a wall and defends humanity from ruthless slavers, transhumanist supremacists, and psychopathic, murderous, perverted sadists that employ the worst atrocities against the most innocent and defenseless children to blackmail powerful people profitably. This is why Conservatism has become the vanguard of the hoi polloi, the working class that scrabbles for it's bread and butter, while identarianism is promoted duplicitously by trust fund Commies and faggots advocating castrating a generation of boys, to keep them from becoming competent and powerful men.

This is why people have followed Trump with fanatic zeal, and this is why Trump was created and postured as the despised enemy of the indoctrinators and propagandists as controlled opposition that today can lead the working class to hell.

Because that's where the NWO wants to lead the working class and Western civilization, straight to hell. As goes Gaza so goes the world, and the Geert Wilders, Georgia Melonis, and Trumps of the world are the leaders leading servility to Zionism that openly seeks to genocide everyone in the world but Talmudists. Whatever produces utter destruction of Western civilization without tipping off the working class that they are the primary targets of their own leaders will be what European and American polities undertake, to complete the destruction of civilization that is very close to complete in France, Germany, and Sweden today, as populations are replaced by people completely antithetical to the fundamental values of the West, and that will not respect human rights, nor progress industry and prosperity.

There will be a sudden collapse when the population necessary to create that prosperity and felicity no longer exists, and all that is left are gormless faggots and extremist barbarians, and that will be that. At least that's the intention of the globalist NWO, who will then genocide everyone and dally in their paradisiacal playground in perpetuity, or so they expect. Unfortunately for them, they are literally psychopaths that cannot into society, each seeing only themselves as human and having superable purpose. They can compute each the others value as temporary allies in the effort to destroy the whole, but will betray their allies and seize power to become the uber-overlord when that conquest is complete. They can't not do that.

Then the survivors that have remained concealed in obscure corners and maintained the values and ideals of Western civilization will be able to resume industry and trade, and will find the mutually pathological overlords of temporary utility and prickly opposition merely temporary impediments, on their path to the stars.

So, dig in and prosper invisibly, adopting and developing the decentralized means of production suitable to your circumstances and security, covertly and durably, because it will be a generation or two before this cataclysm has run it's course and the pathological derangers begins to self-immolate in mutual consumption, leaving distributed and security minded loci to attain to the resources necessary to resist madness and undertake a neorenaissance.