2022 is the year for YOU

in #mentalhealth3 years ago (edited)


As we get to the year's end, a lot of us are unhappy, unmotivated, and drained.
If this sounds like you, keep reading:

  • You don't know what you're doing with your life.
  • You are fat, sluggish and depressed.
  • Insert any other shitty excuse you have.

Every single human on this planet knows exactly what they want, and how they want it.
Some of us want a bit too much (which causes greed and unhappiness) and some of us want just a bit (which results in gratefulness and long-term success)

When I studied psychology, one of the main things I learned was that choice fucks with you. The fact that we have so many choices have left us with mental fog and have turned us into greed machines unless, you have your fundamentals right (You won't be reading this then), and by saying that I'm referring to the following:

  1. Stop dreaming and start doing. (Want to do something? Go for it, but stick to it even if it gets hard.)
  2. Know when to choose. (If you wake up in the morning hating your job, your wife, or your life, then you're right on time to start choosing something that would make your life better)
  3. Be content with the decision you've made. (Don't live in regret once you've made a decision, you made the choice, give 100% and if you've failed, you'll know exactly what not to choose next time.)

By reducing your options voluntarily, you're simplifying your life, not only mentally but also financially.

You need to remember:

No one is coming to save you, remember that.
None of your high school/university friends is even comparing your life to theirs.
No one cares how hard you work, why would they?
No one is your number 1 fan, except you.
Your parents care less than you think, they'll most likely be dead by the time you've become successful.

Nothing fucking matters.
Only you, and the love you give (unconditionally).

So for 2022, start by doing the following:

  1. Understand yourself: Go deep within yourself and understand who and what you are, if you can do that, you can understand others.

  2. It is not okay to be okay: The moment you stop self-improvement, is the moment you stop living. Don't let anyone tell you it is okay to be okay. They don't love you and they don't care, because people that love you, would want the best for you.

  3. Fix your finances: Stop trying to get rich overnight.
    HODL and DCA (If you're @ecency, you'll know these terms I'm referring to)
    I'm not saying you should take risks, but don't destroy your long-term financial goal for short-term scams. You've worked for that money, and money is the most expensive thing we know.

  4. Be realistic about your health: Stop complaining that you're fat, but then you go and eat McDonald's and drink 5 days a week, you're a fucking hypocrite. If you're fat, then go and run, or if you're too fat to run, walk.
    The best thing you could do is not tell anyone, succeed in silence.
    Remember you're doing it for yourself.

  5. Project: When deciding what you want to achieve or do in 2022, project how your life would be by 2023. Sit, and put some deep thoughts into all the possible successes/failures you might conquer on this journey.

By saying that, here are my 3 goals for 2022:

  1. Be a better Father.
  2. Build a university into the Metaverse.
  3. Get a godlike physique.

That's it.

What are your goals?
Let me know below.