Destroy anxiety and depression, become confident

in #mentalhealth6 years ago


Gut Bacteria
It has been proven that 95% of the neurotransmitters are made in the gut. Having a good balance in the gut microbiome will ensure strong immune function, confidence, digestive strength and an overall balance in the body's physiology and psychology. The Gut area is referred to as the Brahmasthana, the place of the creator. If we think about it, our whole body is an accumulation of the food we eat and the water we drink.

Fungal and Parasite infections
This is a reinforcement of the first point. When our diet is poor and if the gut bacteria aren't happy, then undesirable fungus and parasites will flourish.Our body contains hundreds of symbiotic parasites which is natural. There are good ones and bad ones. All fungus have to eat just like us. The bad ones poop mycotoxins. This is lethal and can cause anxiety. So we should not let the level of bad parasites go above the normal level. Their favorite food is sugar. Try to cut down on sugar and eat more probiotic foods like buttermilk. Avoid sugar especially at night, this will help you sleep better too. This does not mean you have to cut out sweet foods altogether, just refined forms of sugar.

Breaking tension
Do a lot of Yin exercises that stimulate the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system. Stretching, bare foot walking, deep breathing, Qi-gong are some. Make sure to stretch in a relaxed manner, especially the neck area because that's where the body tends to hold majority of tension in most people. We should be doing stretches that open up the thoracic area which will help us breathe deeper.

Talking to a friend, writing in a diary, just yelling into a pillow or beating it up when you have pent up frustration/anger..all these are great ways to feel relieved. Indulge in a hobby like martial arts, dance or some art form that feeds your soul.


Lifestyle choices
Every choice has a consequence. Eat more alkaline foods like green leafy vegetables and figs. Go easy on the meat but also make sure that you get enough protein. Don't have anything that is hard to digest for supper. This way your body is not trying hard to digest the non veg and will relax better.


Ascorbic Acid
Vitamin C is know to reverse anxiety and depression. Superload your system with Vitamin-C. Amla and lemon water are great sources. Make sure to rinse your mouth well after drinking lemon water. Potassium in lime water alleviates anxiety and stress.


Get enough sunlight. Our body makes more serotonin(the happiness hormone) when we are in bright light.


Nervous relaxants
Beverages like Camomile and Tulsi tea pacify the nervous system.


Exercise, an investment of energy to make more energy.
Train don't drain. Exercise enough to stimulate the muscles and nervous system and also to get the Endorphins circulating. It is important for us to breathe through the nose while working out and not go to the point of gasping for air. This way, the body will look at exercise as a normal activity and not an emergency situation. And we shouldn't be working out too late in the evening. Even if you do, then take it easy(late in the evenings)

Preparing for bed
Try to reduce screen viewing time at night. This will make sure that are minds are not overstimulated when we hit the sack.


Dark Chocolate
Eat Dark chocolate. It is okay to indulge in these once in a while. They are known to have benefits on the cardio vascular system and is also a great mood enhancer. Look for low sugar options.

Hydrate yourself-
This doesn't simply mean drinking water. Our water has to be enriched with electrolytes and minerals for the cells to communicate with each other properly. Add Electrol or sea salts to your water. Try this, when you are stressed out, sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and sip on water very slowly, You can even take up to 20 seconds to swallow each sip of water.


Cold Showers
Cold showers are known to promote the secretion of anabolic hormones i.e the hormones related to rest and repair. The act of taking a shower is referred to as a form of Bhutashuddhi in the yogic systems, which literally means cleansing the elements that are the building blocks of our body, and water is said to comprise 70% of the body's composition. Taking showers before going to bed will improve sleep quality.

Make sure you are getting enough Essential Fatty Acids. Almonds, Fish oil (not cod liver oil) are great sources. This protects the brain cells because our brain is made primarily of fatty acids.

The 2Gs
Giving and Gratitude are great ways to feel good. Devote time to serve people who really need it. In fact we can look at everything we do in life as an act of giving.