This is so painful. Depression really sucks and most of the people that surround a depressed person can't detect it or don't know how to handle a depressed person. I hope everyone must learn how to deal with depression to help ourselves and others too...
A simple "hi" or a tap on a shoulder can somehow ease one's pain.
Yes, you're right. Maybe we can do little things to ease other people's pain. I also hope that Depression, as well as other mental disorders, will not be stigmatized in the society anymore. Thanks, @marionsden!
Welcome, @mind-candy. Yup, I do hope the society can have a paradigm shift in mental disorders. Let's fight depression by being there for our depressed friends. . . in our little ways, we can. I really appreciate your post, a sad story but also a wake-up call to all of us to be aware of depression.
Keep smiling, you might not know it but there are many people out there who love seeing your smile.