Guaranteed Gold in This Post

in #mene24k7 years ago (edited)

I promised a part II to provide the results of my adventure in Target earlier today:

It was setting up to be an epic night at the Goldmatters place. One of us ready to mine for gold:


One of us doing some yoga:


One of us well..... doing nothing:


These two bars were a total bust. NO GOLD:


But I was optimistic about the promise of GUARANTEED GOLD:


So I got prepared :


And went to work:


In the living room, Yoga continued:


Gold panning is a tedious and tiresome process.


You have to meticulously sift the heavy material deep into the pan with water, and it is a very slow process.


It took about 90 minutes:


The yoga wrapped up:


But the gold panning went long into the night.

Finally, exhausted, I got to the bottom of the pan.



Finally.... Unequivocally.... after countless hours spent on Steemit gold mining, I






I harvested my massive gold load:


And called it a night. I had a great time panning for gold, and it was totally worth the fun.


But next time.... I have a better idea:


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Thanks for reading everyone!



Menē crafts 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry™ that is transparently sold by gram weight. By combining innovative technology with timeless design, Menē restores the ancient tradition of jewelry as a store of enduring value.

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To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians :

To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:

For Menē 24k investment jewelry here:

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

All images sourced from Menē and Goldmoney.

Read more about Goldmoney:

Watch Steemians sing Band of Gold here:


Haha, genius ending to that story. I was literally hanging on to the edge of my seat to see how much gold you were going to find.

Because I'm like Goldmoney dog... Just sitting here doing nothing.

You can drink coffee at night and still go to sleep? Impressive. So is panning for gold for 90 minutes.

So, about how much $ is the gold you found worth? Do you have to guess too? I feel like you're the gold Jedi warrior and you don't have to guesstimate?

You probably just know.

Who says I sleep? :):). Thank you for reading so closely ! I love that you are so engaged in my stories! ... Yes the panning so SO tedious. It really did take forever, I did something similar 6 months ago or so : The value of the gold is pretty much nil lol. I do have a scale to weigh it out but its definitely not even a full gram. The interesting thing is these days in a major gold deposit 1 gram of gold per ton of rock is considered good grade, thats how rare gold is. Thanks for actually reading my stuff :)

honestly don't think you sleep, actually! I was just talking to myself about that the other day 😂. Just talking to myself, out loud, like I do sometimes... I was saying that I think you only must sleep 5 hours a night based on the times you post. Which is pretty impressive.

Thanks for answering my question, I was so curious about that! Of course I read your stuff. But no need to thank just make it really easy to do.

Some people say they don’t sleep but I think they are exaggerating. I REALLY don’t sleep. I know its true because of the amount of people that ask me if I sleep :).

Do you sleep?

Haha I know you don't sleep. Proof is in the steemit post times haha.

I stay up wayyy too late. But I definitely sleep about 8 hours. Ok sometimes only 5, but it's not sustainable. Now I feel inferior. What kind of sloth sleeps 8 hours per might?

Lol.... i think the question is... what kind of idiots sleep 5 hours a night

Lol maybe that's why your posts are so creative... sleep deprivation at it's finest

LOL - Plus that video is amazing. I love that song and am so sad I missed out! Too busy some days!

Thanks for stopping by man!!!

Yes! Yes! You found gold, what a thrill, hahaha, I feel like goldmatters doggy.

Watching some of these gold mining shows is fascinating. The amout of work that goes into it. And what they can get out of the ground is awesome in some cases.


Sweet! We finally have some real gold! Panning is tedious, but after a few thousand trys it gets faster. In Ohio you learn to be really good at it to occasionally find a flake or two of placer gold. I happen to live where some pretty large glaciers came through, so there are tiny amounts of gold in that area only. Menē 24K is much easier and more efficient for me too lol!

I think that you have a good pattern going with this blog...Gold, Yoga, Gold, Yoga 😉

Gold Yoga.... that should be the name of my next band!

wow!! This is excellent and interesting the collection of gold. So pretty. Is the investment world wide? I mean any one can invest on it from other countries?

Menē ships many places globally. Check the FAQ page to find out details, thanks for your interest :)

Thanks. I will

Haha, this post made my day👍

Hey if SHTF I’m heading to target! ☺️
Gonna grab every box they have and run!

Ha ha!! But you want to go BEFORE SHTF , trust me :)

I know👍
Just my sad attempt at humor haha 😂

I'm a fan of Mené but panning for gold,... way more fun!!

I reccomend it ! :)

Nice story. Got your moneys worth out of that box. How many boxes will make one mene ring? I reckon maybe a 1000 boxes will do it. Mene is cheaper. You missed that comparison lol.

Ha ha SOOO many. Yeah good idea for a future post!

So you did it! You finally found gold! I have been following your Target adventures but now the sad endings are over. Congrats.

Yes finally!!! What should I look for next?

You reached your Target :) . I know Target from my visits to Australia. Thought they were an Australian only company but how wrong I am. Great idea panning gold ....

Thank you, it took a lot longer than I was planning but certainly worth it :)

Good job prophet of gold. I think am learning mining but just photographically from you it hasn't taken shape yet. But at last gold was discovered! Victory!

Yes, finally :)

Lol. I'm learning your vibes.

Wonderful experiment and mining, at last the gold has relocated to @goldmatters world. You the best king of gold. JAH IN SUPPORT

never forget I LOVE MENE24K GOLD.

Thank you, I accept the king position!

Congrates that your idea worked nicely and surprised you.
its like a mysterious travel end with a massive success. i got the gold yeee!!!
Better luck for your next idea.
love #mene24k

Mene is a lot less work, but how many grams did this adventure yield. When I get back to the USSA in a few weeks, will need to make a Target run to try my luck at panning for guaranteed GOLD

Ha ha no grams at all, probaby not even 1, but it sure was a lot of fun!!

Gold is always a reality. Thank you for sharing @goldmatters

Thanks for reading

I love gold a lot. The pictures have been very good to see and have enjoyed so much fun watching the video.

Thanks for checking it out!

Excellent,this story is very nice..I like this post..I also appreciate this post...thanks a lot sharing this good story..

So exciting.nice story.....@goldmatters. I love gold very much.great fun to rush gold.

Thanks me too!