🎓 How to Memorize History: The Invention of Penicillin

in #memorytraining7 years ago

Memorize the Invention of Penicillin and train your brain with memory techniques. Read more about the event on Wikipedia.

The Keyword for the event

Now we pick a keyword that reminds us of the event. When we later want to remember the date we will need to remember this keyword first. So make sure it is as easy as possible:

We can imagine a pill - or many.

The Major System for Dates

In this post we will use the Visual Major System to encode numbers into images.

Here is a quick reminder how this system works:

  • We encode digits into consonants
  • We pair the letters with phonetically similar consonants
  • Vowels are free to create words
  • Below on the graphic are the ten main letters

Invention of Penicillin


Since we usually know the century we can leave that out.

The Memory Story

Now we are connecting all elements: The keyword for the event and the Major System images for the numbers of the date. Try to keep it simple and visualize the story as you create it. Repeat it later to make the memory stronger.

After eating a giant pill to kill your fever you are having a long nap.

More Memory Training on

If you are interested in learning more about memory techniques, check out my company Thinkkniht. We are offering memory coaching for students and for memory athletes.
If you like our training images you can purchase the entire set with over 800 images to learn the Major System.

All photos are taken from Pixabay if not labeled otherwise.

The best way to memorise is to wright it down.
By writing it down you increase to change of it
getting stored in the long term memory.

keyword indeed really help with it :)
But first and for most writing it down
is important.

Very nice post :)

Writing can help a lot but essentially all that we need to create new memories is to fire braincells at the same time to make them connect. Further the repetition is key, best achieved with spaced repetition software.

One of the most important drugs in history - Unfortunately overused by some and therefore destroying it's use in some areas!

Yesh, I heard it is mostly ineffective these days due to resistence.

It still has its use in many areas. Or at least its newer forms have :)

From what I understand, it works beautifully, if you really need it. It's when you don't really need it that it doesn't work as well and creates resistence and other issues.

Most of the time people are too lazy to work with memory techniques. They think it is too troublesome. While they still think that I have memorized 100 facts in 5 minutes and go living my life.

Wow, fascinating methodology. So the intention to improve the memory creates the realization that a methodology would make it easier, which allows the deep reading, eagerness and adoption of your methodology, which is likely superior to any other I've heard so far. People may want to improve their memory because they feel awkward if forgetting something, always want to improve, or because they realize they can draw better conclusions with more information stored for reference. I wonder if you see evidence of the latter from those who use it. Interesting. Thanks!

People have all kinds of reasons to improve their memory. But when they realize that everyone can memorize basically anything in no time which is proven at memory championships all over the world than everyone wants to do it because why shouldn't they? It is a super power hibernating in all of us. By the way these techniques are thousands of years old. I didn't invent any of it.