Memorize the time frame Chinese Communist Revolution and train your memory with memory techniques.
Memoriere die Chinesisch Kommunistischen Revolution und trainiere dein Gedächtnis wie ein Profi.

How it Works

Now we pick a keyword that reminds us of the event: To be honest there was nothing that came to mind right away. So I decided to use a stereotype image for China: The Ming Vase.

Nun wählen wir ein Schlüsselbild für das Ereignis: Um ehrlich zu sein ist mir NICHTS dazu eingefallen. Deshalb habe ich mich für ein Stereotypisches Bild entschieden: Die Ming Vase.

"The Chinese Communist Revolution"
Since we know the century we can leave that out

Another vase? Ok, no problem!

The Memory Story

The Communist Chinese fight over an antique Ming vase: destruction or preservation? Destruction! They break it and replace for ANOTHER vase with the communist sigil on it. Sorry!

Die Kommunistischen Chinesen kämpfen über eine antike Ming Vase: Zerstörung oder Erhaltung? Zerstörung! Sie zerbrechen und ersetzen sie durch eine mit den kommunistischen Insignien. Sorry.

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Falls dir die Trainingsbilder gefallen haben, kannst du unser Deutsches Set mit über 800 Bildern für das Major System erwerben.

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The communist chinese forces secretly occupy president's palace and begin a new war!
I don't get it. How did you come up with forces and secretly? Are you trying to use the Major System or what is behind that?
f and s for 45 and s, r for it wrong?
Ah ok, well that is correct. However, you brought in some letters that you mustn't. forces has the number 4055. Secretly has the number 56017. You have used several coded letters that are not represented in this date. Double check the Major System article to see what I mean. Clear images for example would be 45 = fairy, fur, fry and 50 = sour, Zorro, Sir, user
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I realize it's a late reply. Just doing it anyway.
The Chinese revolution is an example that freedom comes with its fees. Self sacrifice being the core investment. :)
core? That would be 60 and not 50. %0 is S and R.Hi @dreamingirwin, how did you come up with
Good point point I forgot soft c verses hard c.
Right, this can be confusing. That is why you should always focus on the phonetics of the the letters rather then the name.
This post has received a 2.14 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flauwy.