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RE: Memoir Monday #31 (10/7-10/13) - Write about the first pet you've had in your life that comes to mind.

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

Amstel was a beauty. Clearly strong-hearted despite the birth defect. Letting go of an animal that has given you unconditional love is a hard one, but watching them suffer equally so. I'd like to think his spirit lives on in every beagle now. I can't really remember my first pet, but I had a dog in my teens that set the bar so high for every pet to come. Colby was big, ole black lab, the size of a bear. The sweetest big lug you could imagine, but a gourmand to say the least. He ate an econo tub of vaseline once. He paid the price; his regularity became an emergency if you get my smelly drift.


Thank you! He was diagnosed with a murmur and was given about 3-4 years to live back in 2013 or so. They wanted to put him on meds but we declined after we researched how bad the drugs were for his kidneys and liver. We decided to try to find natural supplements (good food, fish oil, CBD oil) to help prolong his life and he lived a healthy, active life for another nine years. It had progressed to congestive heart failure the last year and a half.

Labs are wonderful dogs! They're known for eating EVERYTHING. My wife had one (before we got together) that used to eat rocks, her sister had one that ate a whole box of cinnabon cinnamon rolls. Amstel was a bottomless pit too but preferred meat. His favorite thing of all time was rotisserie chicken. He couldn't be trusted around them. : )

No doubt. I can't be trusted around a rotisserie chicken ... nothing tastes better than that skin:)

That made me lol. It is great stuff! I think Amstel would have eating the bones and all if we let him.