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RE: Memoir Monday #32 (10/14-10/20) - How has your worldview evolved over time?

in #memoirmonday5 months ago

I think there is a year, an age, in which we must change, evolve. Many times the blindfold falls off and what we see is not the best, but more than crying about the situation, feeling betrayed or cheated, the idea is to change or try to change what we see, and that requires a change in us. My change also happened around that time, more or less, but I think that of many Venezuelans. I agree when you say that everything depends on us: situations do not change, the attitude we have towards them changes. We choose peace, tranquility, also happiness. This question will be very inspiring for many. Hugs and take care, Eric


I very much agree. That particular moment in time was a great awakening for a lot of people across the world. I think all these years later we find ourselves in an existential point in our history where our perspective and attitude matter more than ever. I hope this prompt inspires people to think a little more deeply about that. Thank you my friend! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.