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RE: Memoir Monday #30 (9/30-10/6) - How do you plan to spend the next decade of your life?

in #memoirmonday6 months ago

I think that in the last paragraph of this text, you collect all the intention of life that I have for this second part. I like this week's theme because I want to see, 10 years from now, what I'm going to write this Monday on #memoirmonday. I must admit that sometimes I let the breeze take me, I irresponsibly leave many things to destiny (here in Venezuela there is a saying: As it comes, we will see). But sometimes God gives us some answers to our questions, using people to cross our path and talk to us about what we do not see. With this post I can think “where I want to row” in order to reach my goals. Like you, I also want to take up travel again, share more with friends, with family. I want to learn to be more active, like you, undoubtedly. Thank you very much for always adding, Eric. A hug


Don't you think that sometimes that breeze is like our mentor, sweeping us up to take us to the places we're meant to be? That's how I feel. The universe (which a higher power constructed) is intelligent and interactive, it presents lessons and clues for us to follow. I see that more and more the older I get. Thanks for your comment and for the support, as always Nancy! I wish you a wonderful Friday and weekend. We're having what will probably be our last stretch of warm weather before the temperatures plummet.

They say that the river does not hurry to reach the sea because it knows that this is its destiny. Take advantage of this weather and don't forget to keep warm. A nice Friday to you and the family, my friend. I embrace you tightly

There's such peace in living that way. Thank you! I'm heading out soon to have lunch with a friend on a sunny patio. I hope you enjoy your weekend my friend!

Photos, photos, photos.