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RE: Memoir Monday #21 (7/29-8/4) - What have been some of your life's greatest surprises?

in #memoirmonday8 months ago

Are you a Democrat or a Republican? For some things, I can believe you are a Democrat, but for others, I can believe you support Trump.
Oh, and excuse my curiosity.


Honestly right now I don't agree totally with either party. I was actually rooting for Robert Kennedy Jr. but there's no way he has a chance now, he's polling in the single digits. The media has effectively killed his campaign. There are certain aspects of Trump that really concern me. His choices for cabinet positions are especially problematic. They tend to be people with huge conflicts of interest in regard to the agencies they're going to be overseeing. For example, the CEO of a chemical companies being nominated to lead the Environmental Protection Agency and CEO's of hedge funds and banks being nominated as Treasury Secretary. It's like the fox guarding the henhouse. I'm completely disenfranchised by the agenda of the Democratic party even though I used to vote democrat. I feel like American politics is rotten to the core at the moment. We so desperately need a viable third party because I feel like the two we have are really just like opposite sides of the same coin and are making some very horrible decisions.

I know that feeling. The world situation requires a different kind of politician. Sometimes I see some world leaders from other countries and I get envious and ask myself: Why can't my country have leaders like this? There is a saying that people get the leaders they deserve. And maybe it is true.
I won't take up any more of your time, my friend. Have a nice Wednesday.