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RE: Living in interesting times

in #memoirmonday9 months ago

I became aware of this problem after 9/11 and especially in 2003, at the start of the Iraq war. I was appalled by what was happening, but had to tow the line at the newspaper I was working for. For the most part, at least. I could not afford to lose my job, not as a single mother barely making it from paycheck to paycheck. It's called presstitution...


Every job I've ever had has gotten in the way of making money. I have to be at the employers place of business the whole day, and all the wheeling and dealing is happening while I'm slinging hash, gutting fish, or bucking and limbing. It's even worse now that I focus on goodwill rather than fiat compensation, because doing good deeds tends to require me to be available when people need help, and if I'm driving a cab or feeding cattle I'm away from where they need me.

This is probably all cope, tbh. I'm psychologically unsuited to working for an employer. That's likely to be the underlying cause of my congenital entrepreneurship.