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RE: Memoir Monday #31 (10/7-10/13) - Write about the first pet you've had in your life that comes to mind.

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

Oh, Amstel! I remember reading your posts about the beautiful adventures you experienced together ❤️

My first pet was a parrot. One day he landed on our balcony, so we fed him and he stayed with us for well over two years until he got sick. Unfortunately, the vet couldn't help him. Since I've always had cats and loads of kittens 🥰


I wrote quite a bit about him, especially in his later years. We were pretty much inseparable after I left my day job. He developed such a quirky personality as he got older and it became quite hilarious. Were parrots in the wild where you were raised? Or did he get lose from another house? Life is better with animals, I'm convinced!

Koko (that's how we called him 🥰) must have lost his way home, or didn't like his old folks anymore ;) So one day he landed on our balcony and instantly became a family member.

Life is better with animals, I'm convinced!

I agree 100%!