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RE: Memoir Monday #42 (12/23-12/29) - What are your favorite dishes—either to cook or to eat?

in #memoirmonday3 months ago

I'd say 2-3 times a year for fast food is more than acceptable ;) We don't have White Castle here, but I know the more you eat well, the more fast food typically starts tasting like trash, so I'm guessing their food must be pretty tasty to retain appeal.
It sounds like you have a great, balanced diet. And dark chocolate is considered by some a superfood :D and not a day goes by when I don't remind myself of that :))


They are so good, @honeydue. I think part of the draw is the fact they haven't changed one bit since my childhood. OMG, the fast food here in America is downright deadly. It's a shitstorm of harmful chemicals and other ingredients that are purposely there to get people addicted to the food. I agree about the dark chocolate, that's how I justify it anyway. Lol. I've had at least 1oz almost every day for the last 20 years. Have a Merry Christmas my friend!