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RE: Memoir Monday #31 (10/7-10/13) - Write about the first pet you've had in your life that comes to mind.

in #memoirmonday6 months ago

Ah yes, best to give yourselves some time to settle into the new abode, to make the dog's transition easier, also. Congrats on the new house and happy moving! :D May it come with many happy years :)

And yes, I'm back into my normal rhythm, planning adventures and looking forward to hopeful Hive meet-ups in the future! :D


Thank you! I’m excited to be gaining a dedicated space to write again. I can see a beagle in our future. : ) I’m glad re-entry wasn’t too bad for you. It was worst for me after the first one, just because I was still working the office job at the time. I really hope I can make it to next year’s ’Fest.