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RE: Memoir Monday #27 (9/9-9/15) - What is your best relationship advice?

in #memoirmonday7 months ago

Beautiful words, Eric. Full of hope and wisdom, they really brought a smile. Thank you for that and kudos to you for going through life so openly (otherwise, how would you have learned so very much?).


Thank you! I'm still very much a work in progress but I find it's important to share some of the lessons I have learned. I so wish I had someone tell me these things when I was younger. Mainstream culture just wasn't as open about or accepting of talking about these kinds of things when I was in my twenties. Because of this I had to learn so many things the hard way. When it came to relationships I was quite the people pleaser, most times to my own detriment.

Hmm but do you think you would've minded the advice, had someone sat you down and told you before you had the chance to go out and learn it for yourself? The same old question, I suppose :D

I probably wouldn't have listened when I was younger but some of the advice might have resonated. I mistakenly thought I already understood so much about life when I was younger. Now the list of "known unknowns" grow with every year. : )