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RE: Memoir Monday #14 (6/10 -6/16)

in #memoirmonday10 months ago

It's certainly interesting how many of the things you notice changing would be on my own response. Like the interactions and the pessimism. I don't know, could it be our own memories of some of these things are tinted by our own hopefulness/naivety from that age? Could be, I dunno.

Ps - you were so cute as a kid💛


Yeah, I think most of these changes have happened fairly recently with the proliferation of the smartphone. You're right about the fact that it's partially the way we remember the past too. That phenomena where we remember the past as more idyllic than it really was only gets stronger the older we get. This is the main thing we have to work against when it comes to staying optimistic. My viewpoint has shifted a bit since writing this. I feel more hopeful. Thank you! I look at those photos and so many memories come flooding back. Sometimes I can't believe that it's been over twenty years since my parents sold that house.