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RE: Memoir Monday #31 (10/7-10/13) - Write about the first pet you've had in your life that comes to mind.

in #memoirmonday5 months ago (edited)

I believe I found my perfect dog breed in the beagle. They're such amazing animals! Small enough to handle but big enough not to be a lap dog. They like to have fun and exercise but also like their nap times and, of course, they LOVE food. We had him down in Sedona one time and took him to a restaurant with a dog-friendly patio. We ordered him beef tartar (it was just a pile of raw hamburger) and then cracked a raw egg on top of it. His eyes got as big around as saucers and he looked up at us almost like he couldn't believe it was for him. We told him he could have it and it was just pure pandemonium after that. They're probably still finding pieces of that hamburger around that table. Lol.


Reading this, I could see his face when the food was placed in front of him, those beagle eyes looking at you as to say, is this for me?

Our beagle went everywhere with my husband and he would stop at a fast food place and get him just the meat patty, our beagle would become very lively when we turned into the drive up lane, he knew what he was getting.

If you've owned a beagle you definitely know that look! : ) He was in total disbelief! That's great that your beagle got so excited when your husband was coming home. He'd probably look forward to that hamburger all day. I used to sneak Amstel little raw bison meatballs while I was cooking. He used to love that.

That beagle "look" is forever etched in my heart, also, their howl.
My husband was not coming home with a hamburger, the dog was always with him, he would take the dog to the fast food drive thru.