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RE: Memoir Monday #30 (9/30-10/6) - How do you plan to spend the next decade of your life?

It's so painful. Mine are healing little by little with time but my range of motion is only about 50% of what it used to be. I have a really tough time reaching above my head for things on shelves and such. I hope to avoid surgery because I've heard it's a tough one. It's so strange how Covid symptoms manifest differently in different people, even if they have the same strain of it. I mainly had the racing heart, fatigue, and chills. I developed a heart murmur after recovering so it did some damage. Thankfully it's minor. I wish you a speedy (and full) recovery!


I'm not even sure mine is my rotator, I just know I either hurt it disc golfing or starting the lawnmower and both of those motions are consistent with that area I guess. Yeah, I am finally feeling a bit better today. I decided to take the day anyway and I will start back fresh on Monday.

That was a smart move to give yourself another day and the weekend to recover.