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RE: Memoir Monday #22 (8/5-8/11) - How did you manage periods in your life when you had the least money?

in #memoirmonday5 months ago (edited)

This marked the precise moment I ceased to trust elected officials. It nearly bankrupted us. I contacted our City Council to protest and they said it was my right to come down to the next meeting and voice my opposition but then said it wouldn't do any good because they had already passed the assessments prior to when the meeting would be held. The person I spoke with even had the nerve to try to spin it in a positive light. He said the city decided to pass the assessments then because interest rates were historically low. Ruthless f*ckers.


Yeah, that is horrible. Mofos.

Ita horrible when you are in a bad situation and it seems that fate itself decides to pile on with further complications!

That was definitely a "when it rains, it pours" type scenario. Lol. We have one of the most corrupt city governments in the entire nation, it's elevated to an art form.