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RE: Living in interesting times

in #memoirmonday9 months ago (edited)

Yeah, I don't disagree. I just don't know how we stop the A.I. train at this point. The only way, really, is to opt out of society. I have a hard time trusting any government to work for the common good of their citizens. At this point corporations and government are interchangeable.


I was working all weekend, removing a rubble heap that had been overgrown by sod I couldn't mow, so I peeled back the sod and removed the rubble, then laid the sod back on the now flat lawn. I suppose an AI bot could eventually manage that task, but I've never heard of any digging machine that protected the sod like that.

I planted some roses in a lava rock bed. I had to scrape away the lava rocks, slit the weed barrier cloth, and dig holes the size of the root balls of the roses. I also had to space the roses evenly. After I'd planted the roses, I folded the slitted cloth back in place, and scraped the lava rocks back over it. It looks like the rose bushes have always been there. Then I built a deer proof fence out of scrap fencing neighbors had laying around, scrap lumber, making a hinge by leaving a bit of the wire fencing sticking out past the last post which I screwed to a piece of plywood. I put a cabinet handle on the back side of the plywood and stretched a bungie cord from the handle to the wire fence so the cord pulls the door shut. Deer won't figger that out, I think.

AI can't do any of that. None of what I do is threatened by AI taking over. I suppose a humanoid robot ran by AI could learn to use a shovel, vise grips, and a hammer, but I've never seen one do any of that. The government and other corporations were never consulted in any of that work.

As far as I can tell, I can just ignore all of the terrible things you mention above and I'll never notice their lack of participation in my life.