/ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation. Usually memoirs. an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography. the published record of the proceedings of a group or organization, as of a learned society.
We’re on the cusp of week twenty-three of Memoir Monday. I thank all of you who’ve participated in this initiative so far. It’s been the most rewarding thing I’ve done on the blockchain. I feel like I’m learning a lot not only about you but of the world through your posts. When contemplating this prompt I knew, immediately, what I’d be writing about but I found it difficult to choose just one day of the experience. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. Whenever I think about my time in London it feels like a dream and all I can do is smile.
Memoir Monday has grown so much that I won’t be able to comment on everyone’s posts anymore (and get my own work done) but I’ll still be supporting your posts with reblogs, votes, and shares on my other social media accounts (X, Facebook, etc.).
For all of those who’ve regularly participated in Memoir Monday - keep going, you’re making great progress in chronicling your very own life story for future generations to enjoy.
For those who missed the inaugural post explaining what the Memoir Monday initiative is all about you can find it here.
Now for next week’s Memoir Monday prompt:
What do you consider one of the best days you can remember?
My answer:
It was May of 2019, just months before the pandemic changed the world. My wife and I had started planning our first trip to London six months prior. For months we binged YouTube videos on the best areas of London to stay and things to do. We settled on an Airbnb in the Theatre District of Covent Garden. We had been to a few European cities before this trip but this trip was extra special.
I couldn't believe I was actually there. You see, I’ve had this ongoing fascination with England and British culture since I was a boy. Something about it was strangely familiar. In the 1970’s and early 80’s my brother and I watched Benny Hill, Are You Being Served?, The Monty Python Show, and several others. I even created a comic strip as a boy called, “Snibbly” that was set in England about a bumbling middle-aged man and his beagle. I think the comic strip ended up being slightly autobiographical.
We spent nine full days in London and we saw quite a bit of the city from our little home base in Covent Garden. This trip was a succession of magical moments from the start, as we were riding in our Uber from Heathrow to our Airbnb we passed by Buckingham Palace just in time to see a procession of the Royal Guard.

During our stay we visited a few of the touristy sites, and had afternoon tea at the Savoy Hotel.

I had a slice of the best cake I’ve had in my life at Harrods. It was called a Russian honey cake. Even though my tastes usually lean more towards savory, I devoured it.

We toured Westminster Abbey as well.

We spent an entire day walking up and down both sides of the Thames.

We also met up with a couple of friends, who are English natives, on two different days. Each of them were gracious enough to show us around different parts of the city. We toured Portobello Market and SoHo with my friend Rollie and his family. Rollie even took us for a pint at his favorite neighborhood pub, which was built in the 1600’s. The next day our friend Ophelia and her family took the train down from Birmingham to spend the day showing us Kensington Park and some of the museums in London. These were among the best memories we came home with.

I’d have to say the day that was the most fulfilling for me, personally, was the day we wandered the streets, exploring all of London’s historical nooks and crannies with real no destination.

These walks were deeply satisfying to me in a way that was unexplainable. It felt like a kind of homecoming.

There are layers upon layers of history in this city.

Unlike a lot of large, touristy cities we’ve visited, the soul of this great city is still very palpable.

London has survived thousands of years of invasions, wars, famine, waves of poverty, fires, and more recently waves of gentrification.

The picture below is the last one taken of our trip just before we walked to our Airbnb to catch our last night of sleep before we were off to the airport the next morning.

As I sat there on the curb, drinking that hot coffee across from the Covent Garden Market my head was spinning and my heart was aching at the thought of leaving. That ache is the true mark of a successful trip. This means that you’ve been changed by the experience and also left a small piece of your old self behind. I knew there would be so many things I’d miss about the city and that the longing that would call me back someday.
Soon we'd be swept back into the current of life and would be left with only these memories. This is precisely why I travel because these experiences allow us to deepen our understanding of the world and of ourselves. Travel simply makes us better humans and planet Earth needs all of these it can possibly get.
Rules of Engagement
- Please reblog this first post and share on other social platforms so we cast the widest net possible for this initiative;
- Pictures paint a thousand words. Include pictures in your posts if you have them;
- Answer each Memoir Monday prompt question in your own post. If possible, the prompt question will be published in the week prior so you'll have the entire week to answer and publish your own post;
- Have fun with it, don't worry about getting behind, or jumping into the project at any point after we've begun; and
- Lastly, be sure to include the tag #memoirmonday.
It's that simple.
At the end of the next twelve months we'll have created something immensely valuable together. It's so important to know our "whys" in life and there's no better way to do that than this.
Someday all that will be left of our existence are memories of us, our deeds, and words. It's up to you to leave as rich of a heritage as possible for future generations to learn from. So, go ahead, tell your stories. I can't wait to read them.
Be well and make the most of this day. I want to sincerely thank all of the participants thus far. I've really enjoyed reading your posts!
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Let’s Keep In Touch

Very nice memories, tour was very enjoyable. You have a lot of experience in different situations. The parrot is very petite
Thank you! These are actually ring-necked parakeets. Thanks for pointing that out. I edited the post to correct it.
This looks like it was a really great trip. Portabello market makes me think of the movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks. One of my childhood favorites!
It really was. I don't think I've seen that film! I looked it up and saw it was made the year I was born.
It's Disney gold! Still one of my favorites to this day. I have a copy of it on my media server.
That will definitely be on my watchlist. I don't know how I missed that one the first time around!
We watched all those fringe Disney movies when I was a kid. Candleshoe is another one of my favorites. Also the Journey of Natty Gann.
I've never heard of either of those! I have some watching to do.
I have had many happy days, but I will try to choose just one. It's already Friday and here in Venezuela they blocked the X network. The government is unleashed. I embrace youI've had that feeling many times: between wanting to go back home or continue on a journey that is "resetting" my soul. When you talk about Ophelia, do you mean @opheliafu (I think that's how she was) the illustrator? Is that where your friendship comes from? Haven't you thought about going back to London, Eric? It might be a good thing! I remember one of the cities I liked the most in my country, I've visited it about 6 times and I always want to go back, as if in some life, another one, that had been my home.
That is the Ophelia I was talking about! We met at SteemFest 1 in Amsterdam, then again in Lisbon for the 2nd conference, then we collaborated on a few book/art projects in the years following. She was a joy to work with. I don't hear from her anymore, I think she took a break from her art. I hope she picks it up again at some point. I think about going back to England all the time. Hopefully I'll make it back before I'm too old. Oh no, Maduro blocked X?! He must see it as a real threat to his power. The UK government is coming after Elon now for things he's been saying about the recent riots in England. They claim he's trying to incite civil war. It's a very strange world we're living through right now. I hope you enjoy your weekend, Nancy!
Thank you, Eric. And likewise. Rest. hugs
yes, i do remember, those were the days when i Visited the Holy Kaba In Mecca, those moments are still refresh in my mind.
You have the best happy memories in your life about England. I think England is a good place to visit. Surely one day you will go there again. Have anice day, Eric.
Thanks Eliana! I hope to see it again. Enjoy your weekend my friend!
Great trip Eric! I've not had one in a long while but that changed a few weeks ago, when I traveled to see my kids, went to the cinema and some park, and generally had a great time... 😊
It was like a dream! I'm glad you got to go on an adventure. It's definitely good for the soul. : ) Enjoy your weekend Edith!
What a wonderful experience this visit has been, London is one of those cities with a lot of charm. Beautiful photographs, you visited beautiful places
Have a great weekendGood morning dear friend @ericvancewalton how are you?
Thank you! Yes, It's great to have those photos and memories. From what I understand the city has changed quite a bit since 2019. Hopefully the violence over there starts to calm down and people can live in peace again. Enjoy your weekend my friend! The weather is cool and sunny here today. I hope to get out and soak up some of that sunshine.
That sounds great, I hope you can go out and enjoy a lovely walk around your city.
Have a great time
Great experience, its very much evident from the photos. And I agree with fact that travel makes us better humans.
So many great and wonderful experiences you have and that you shared here which is awesome to see also
#hive #posh
Like you I have always been curious about European life, I feel that I like it more than the United States. I hope one day I will be able to go to places like the United Kingdom and Spain.
The quality of life seems better over there than in the US, at least that's my impression from my travels.
Did you realize that everything in Spain is a world heritage site?
I imagine that growing up in such a country represents a commitment for all generations. I love Spain.
Straight to the heart with this one, Eric. Dunno how I missed it, but I'm glad it resurfaced eventually. I'm glad I read that. <3 I hope you're well. And that you make it back to London (or the road, in general) soon.
It's strange but I even feel that melancholy when I look at pictures of my trips. I think some of us are just meant to travel and start feeling antsy when we're stationary too long. Thank you! I hope you're well too! Have you fully adjusted to reentry yet?
I think there are some special memories/days for me till now, such as winning the university entrance exam and starting a job after several phases.
My entry;