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RE: Memoir Monday #37 (11/18-11/24) - Write about a favorite teacher.

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

Teachers definitely aren’t appreciated enough. They go through so much stress with some of the kids.. I have a good memory of a few of my teachers :). Even after so many years passed, we’re still in contact. You just can’t forget people that helped you so much.


I, honestly, don't know how teachers handle some of the kids here in America. Some of them have never known discipline or even the meaning of the word "no". That's great that you're still in contact with your teachers!

Same situation in Croatia.. there’s an active problem with one boy in my past middle school. No one can stop him from making problems 🫠. I feel like some parents send their kids to school and expect the teachers to be their nannies and raise their kids

Sick s*it.

Yeah ://. Underpaid job and overworked people