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RE: Memoir Monday #31 (10/7-10/13) - Write about the first pet you've had in your life that comes to mind.

in #memoirmonday4 months ago

My parents bought a dog when I was born, so I grew up with her. Emma. Had her until I was in high school when she finally died of liver failure. It was tough losing her because I had grown up with her and she had always been there. But that's dogs. They make up for the short time they are with us with all their love.

He loved us so unconditionally, so completely.

That's the joy of dogs, isn't it? More than any other animal, they are full of unconditional love and show so much happiness every single time they see us. They are wonderful creatures. I don't have one now. They are expensive in Japan, and my wife is scared of animals, so I respect that. But if I have the chance in the future, I will buy another in a heartbeat.


That is definitely the joy of dogs! They squeeze more out of life in their short time on Earth than most people do. They have a lot to teach us as well! I hope you get the opportunity to have another.